[Davis Democrats] Community event at Davis ProBizExchange Meeting Wednesday, Feb 20th

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Mon Feb 18 17:44:50 PST 2013

First, this is not an official Davis Democratic Club event.  This is a free
event that we thought that people of the community of Davis would like to
attend to be informed.


Greetings Davis Democratic Volunteers and Supporters,

You are all cordially invited to the DavisProBiz Exchange meeting this
Wednesday.  The featured speaker will be Davis Police Chief Landy Black.
Chief Black will be asked about his very successfully community policing
program.  Since becoming Police Chief, Davis has seen a reduction in
domestic violence, a reduction in racially motivated crimes and a reduction
in number of 911 calls on Picnic Day.  The meeting is on Wednesday, February
20, 2013 starting at 11:45AM and ends 1PM at the International House in
Davis.  There is no charge for this event.  Please RSVP to G Richard
Yamagata if you will be attending, so we can order enough food.  

The Davis Enterprise has run two articles about this event with Chief Black
and the California Aggie has run one article about this event.  There is a
lot of anticipation to hear Chief Black speak.  Just to let you know, on
April 3, the ProBizExchange will be inviting Davis Mayor Joe Krovoza to
speak about water in Davis.  This presentation will be after the March 5
election.  You will be able to hear from the mayor about the future of water
service in the community of Davis.

We will have a lot of food and food choices at this meeting with 8 kinds of
pizza (1 pesto vegetarian), 2 kinds of pasta (1 red fettucini al fresco
vegetarian), 2 kinds of chicken wings, 4 kinds of quesadilas (2 vegetarian
choices available), a low sodium dish, loaded green salad (three types of
lettuce, tomato, cucumbers, red onion with cheese and croutons on the side),
garlic bread, fresh fruit and more.

The Progressive Business Exchange of Davis will have its 166th meeting:
Date: February 20, 2013
Time: 11:45 Am to 1:00 Pm
Place: International House
Location: 10 College Park 
        Northeast corner of Russell Blvd & College Park 
Downtown Davis, CA 95616

The agenda will be:
1 to 2 minute business introductions (Exchange of Business Cards)
Passing out of blank Business referral slips and possible report on cashflow
through group.
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes
Treasurer's Report

Our Featured Speakers -- tentative and provisional:  
February 20: Davis Police Chief Landy Black
G Richard Yamagata  PhD
CEO/President   VME Inc.   http://www.vme.net/   http://vme.net/bcards/bio.html
Phone: 530-VIV-VMEI or 530-848-8634

G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of 
Directors, Recording Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Davis
Club, President of the board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, 
Secretary-Treasurer of the Board of the Davis Progressive Business 
Exchange and communications liaison and board member for the Business 
Link of Woodland and Davis.

For public service to the Democratic Party of Yolo County, 
Recipient of the 2007 Weir-Willamson Award

========================== The Virtual Markets =================================
Davis Virtual Market - http://virtual-markets.net/vme/
Fresno - http://vme.net/fvm/   Reedley - http://vme.net/rvm/  
Sacramento - http://virtual-markets.com/svm/  Vacaville - http://vme.net/vvm/
Woodland  - http://vme.net/wvm/   
"Pet, Vets, You, and Dr.Sue - http://vme.net/dvm/DrSue/ 

The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions

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