[Davis Democrats] Corrected Minutes for the General Meeting with Potluck July 11th
G Richard Yamagata PhD
yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Fri Jul 14 18:07:30 PDT 2006
Greetings All,
I would like to thank those that are sending in corrections to the minutes.
I try to get these done right after the General Meetings, to get them out of
the way and for those that want to know what happened at the general
meetings. Some times, there are people that are concerned about the outcome
of a resolution vote at the general meeting, so I try to make sure that
everyone knows what happened The Night Of The Meeting. The phone numbers
are as accurate as I can determine, because I telephoned them right after
the meeting and talked to one person and connected to answering machines for
the others. There have been three corrections to these minutes, so far.
Please send more corrections as needed. These minutes need to be accepted
by the board at the next meeting.
Democrat Club Presents Davis Coops and Non-profits.
Date: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 [originally read May 11, 2006]
Time: 6PM to 6:40PM -- Potluck
Time: 6:41 PM -- Various Davis and Yolo County Cooperatives and non-profit
organizations will present and talk about themselves and how they help fill
in the needs of Davis and Yolo County.
Place: Blanchard Room of the Davis Branch, Yolo County Library
Location: 315 East 14th Street
Davis, CA 95616
The Potluck began at 6PM and there was plenty of food with a wide variety of
main course food items, including a huge pork loin, various salads and
gourmet desserts, and of course, pizza.
There were 39 people that attended the meeting at various periods of time.
There were at least three political figures that attended in support,
including Davis Councilman-elect Lamar Heystek, Ken Wagstaff Former Davis
Mayor, and Pat Lenzi Assistant District Attorney. There were 11 Davis
Democrat Club board present, including President Arun Sen, Vice President
John Chendo Past President Bob Bockwinkel, Treasurer Betty Weir,
Corresponding Secretary Julia Sanchez, Recording Secretary G Richard
Yamagata, Acting Publicity Chair Barbara Slemmons, Mary Lou Hernandez, Joyce
Wilson, Mike Syvanen, and Pam Nieberg. Just a note, the choice of this
program topic was supported by the Davis Democrat Club board and former
board members, including Rick Vuliet. The goal was to show the club and
community the good things that our members are doing in the community and
give an opportunity for club members to volunteer and help these
organizations and non-profits to thrive.
The meeting started at 7:02PM by being called to order by President Arun Sen
and his grandson. Arun asked for a minute of silence for Davis Democrat
Club Board Member Max Rothe, who very recently passed away. Arun announced
that the funeral services will be this Saturday at the Davis Methodist
Church. Please consult the Davis Enterprise for details about the funeral
or e-mail me and I will try to track them down for you. The Davis Democrat
Club is going to send flowers to the funeral service as a small token of
appreciation for his long service to the Davis Democrat Club Board.
There were 6 [originally read 5] organizations that spoke and 2 that dropped
off materials, one of which was unable to stay to speak. Each of the
speakers told what their organizations did to improve the quality of life in
the City of Davis and the County of Yolo and explained how each of us could
The speakers were:
Tom Martens, Executive Director of STEAC -- Short Term Emergency Aid
Committee (of Yolo County)
Form more information visit: http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/go/steac/
Phone 758-8435
Citizens Who Care
Ken Wagstaff, Executive Director of Citizens Who Care (of Yolo County)
For more information visit: http://citizenswhocare.org
Dan Berman,
[originally read "Tom"--apologies to Dan, whom I know and had just spoken
to, just 15 minutes after the meeting via telephone. I even own an
autographed copy of his book, "Who Owns The Sun" given to me by Elisabeth
volunteer with Sacramento Municipal Utility District
For more information contact: bermfam at gmail.com or
Phone 757-6609
Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
Ashley Hamidi, Director (Board of Directors) Sexual Assault and Domestic
Violence of Yolo County
For mor information visit: http://www.sadvc.org/
Tree Davis
Ruth Williams, Executive Director of Tree Davis
For more information visit: http://treedavis.org
Davis Community Meals
Janet Lane, Director (Board of Directors) and Secretary
For more information call
Phone 530-756-4008 530-753-9204
An organization that came and dropped off material and did not speak was the
Yolo County Housing Protection Agency, a division of Legal Services of
Northern California. (This person had to leave at 7:15PM.) Call Monday
through Friday 8:30AM to 12PM and 1PM to 5PM -- 530-662-1065 or 916-447-5798
Another organization that dropped off material and did not make a
presentation was Putah Creek Council. Visit: http://putahcreekcouncil.org
or call 757-2776
Additional Announcements:
Mike Syvanen announced that Sue Greenwald was being installed as Mayor of
Davis on Tuesday, July 18 next week. A City of Davis sponsored reception
will follow. This is open to the public. Mike also announced that Sue
Greenwald is having a party to celebrate with her supporters at the home of
Norma Turner on the following Friday evening, July 21. All members of the
Davis Democrat Club are invited to this event. Details will be forth coming
as the event gets closer.
John Chendo announced that support is needed for the Voting Rights Act.
Call 1-866-808-0065 to support this House Bill that protects the voting
rights of minorities in this country. Or you can call our House
Representative Mike Thompson and voice your support to HR #9.
Pat Lenzi addressed the club, thanking all of its members for its support of
her campaign for Yolo County District Attorney. She discussed this and
other related topics on how we need to elect those that represent our values
to represent us in local and non-local government. Her words and thoughts
were warmly received.
John Chendo finished the meeting by calling for volunteers to sign up to
help Phil Angelides, Deborah Bowen, John Garamendi, and Charlie Brown.
Contact John Chendo for details or to sign up to help.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.
These minutes are respectively submitted by:
G Richard Yamagata
Recording Secretary
Davis Democrat Club
G Richard Yamagata PhD
CEO/President VME Inc. http://www.vme.net/
G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of
Directors, a member of the board of the Business Link of Woodland and Davis,
Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Davis Democrat Club, President
of the board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, Secretary-Treasurer
of the board of the Davis Progressive Business Exchange and communications
liason of the Independent Order of Oddfellows Chapter 169.
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The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions
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