[OldNorth] Draft July Minutes

John Meyer john.meyer at live.com
Tue Aug 27 07:53:16 PDT 2019

ONDNA Board,

Attached are draft minutes for the July meeting.  These are to be considered at our next meeting on September 19.  As I mentioned, I will be away on this date.  Greg graciously agreed to take minutes at that meeting.

Recall that this will be our annual meeting with the board election.  It requires electronic notice 21 days in advance (by this Thursday) and a printed hand delivered notice no later than three days before the meeting.  As noted in the minutes, we also discussed asking attendees at the meeting whether they are interesting in 4-way stop signs at the 6th street intersections.  If the Public Works Department is to take this matter to the city council for approval they would want some sense of neighborhood support.


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