[OldNorth] ONDNA 28 April 2005 Minutes

sheryl lynn gerety winterety at sbcglobal.net
Sun May 29 21:26:32 PDT 2005

Old North Davis Neighborhood Association Meeting; 28th April 2005

I.	Meeting was called to order by D. Braunschweig at 7:37 pm

Board Members attending: B. Winterhalder (late), A. Willson, D. 
Braunschweig, S. Tracy, D. Dingemans. Absent: A. Wallace. D. Quickert
Old North Residents: D. Szumski, Kathleen Groody, Heather Richardson, 
Tony Martin, Cyndi Marshal, T. Allen. Minutes from March meeting were 
not available for approval.

II.	Treasure Report: D. Braunschweig reports there is $324.94 in the 

III.	Announcements & Additions to Agenda:

a.	Nomination Committee: Cyndi reported that K. Groody and G. Frantz 
assisted with the committed. Those currently on the board likely will 
remain with one change. If elected, Tony Martin will replace Angela 

b.	Neighborhood Association election, June meeting & picnic/potluck 
party will be held on May 22nd at 5 PM at the well lot.  Flyers will be 
distributed ASAP.  Dan Szumski will do his normally wonderful job of 
organizing us.

IV.	New Business.

a.	Co-op would like to change some of their parking spaces to diagonal 
rather than parallel; they are seeking our input.

b.	S. Tracy at the last meeting reported his concern about high fencing 
around front yards.  In an update, he notes that there had been a theft 
at the church on the corner of 8th and B St. which is directly across 
the street from such a fence. He stated that a fence like this allows 
more freedom for those who are liable to speed, steal or engage in 

c.	637 F is on the market and 602 D has just sold.

d.	There was a question regarding the process to report yards that are 
not mowed and are presenting a hazard as well as looking tacky. This 
was called a “blight” issue and it was suggested these homes be 
reported to City Planning.

e.	There was discussion about the home on E street that is adding a 
second story (the addition is within Guidelines) and how it may cause 
privacy issues.  While this was brought up at meetings on the 
guidelines, no one appeared to be concerned at that time.

V.	Old Business.

a.	Parking District.  Markings have been placed on C street. The signs 
are not up and there has been no notification on how one is to purchase 
the permits. There is no information on when the rest of the 
neighborhood would be completed.

b.	Street Sweeping.  Public works has agreed to the alternate side of 
the street sweeping. The days will be Thursdays and Fridays from 6-10 
am. This should occur in about 3-4 weeks.

c.	Fifth & F Streets: S. Tracy reported on the upcoming, May 12th 
presentation of the PW and ONDNA proposals to the Safety Advisory 
Commission.  He urged residents to turn out and speak about their 

d.	Alley Garbage Service: There are no changes to report.

e.	Zoning & In-fill.  There was continued discussion of the 
implications for Old North of the proposals for B Street, and sentiment 
to be fully supportive of U/Rice Lane residents resistance to high 
density in-fill along this corridor.

f.	Historic Old North Neighborhood Street Signs.  Nothing new to report.

VI.	Sub-Committees (relevant information contained in earlier 

VII.	Adjournment at 8:50 PM.
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