[OldNorth] moved

Andrew P. Wallace apwallace at microfab.net
Sat Jan 15 02:31:05 PST 2005


Ciana and I have moved a few blocks out of Old North.  We moved into our new
place on Parkside just after Christmas.  It was time we had a little bigger
house.  We will still be keeping our house on F Street.  We're hoping to use
it for our parents in about 3 years or so, and we will be renting it until
then.  They would love to retire in Davis.

We definitely enjoyed living in Old North.  We loved being able to walk to
the Co-Op, downtown, etc.  It truly is a unique environment.

Our new house was built in 1951, so it has much of the same character as
homes in Old North.  The previous owner appeared to be a very caring man.
He was 95, and he was the original owner.  He even had a number of photos
from when the house was being built and even the blueprints!  We feel very
fortunate to still be in Central Davis.

Best Regards,
Andy Wallace

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