[OldNorth] Update on 530 F Street Project

Dan Quickert dequickert at omsoft.com
Fri Dec 19 20:24:25 PST 2003


The applicant has 10 days to appeal to the Council. In this case, it would 
be December 29th because of the intervening holiday and weekend.  I don't 
know when it would get scheduled for a hearing.

If it goes to the Council, their decision is final.  Your only input into 
the procedure would be any communications you make to them, in writing 
and/or at the hearing.

If the Council gets it, it will be interesting.  Ted Puntillo would surely 
approve it.  Mike Harrington may be sympathetic, and he would be a good 
person to talk with well in advance of the hearing.  I don't know about 
Ruth Asmundsen; she's sort of difficult to read.  Wouldn't hurt to have a 
talk with her, too.  Come to think of it, it may be a good idea to talk to 
Ted too, just to see...
Susie Boyd will probably not be able to participate, because of her home's 
proximity.  I don't know if Sue Greenwald's house on C Street is close 
enough for a 'conflict' (300 ft); but she would be sympathetic to your 

Dan Quickert

On Friday, December 19, 2003 11:51 AM, Wrye Sententia  wrote:
> Re: [OldNorth] 530 F StreetFYI--
> The proposed project at 530 F street was "denied without prejudice" by 
> city Planning Commission at their Wed. Dec. 17th meeting and we're happy
> about that.  From what I understand, this now means that the applicant 
> either return to the Commission with revised plans (ie, a one-story 
> that doesn't block as much skyline or sun); or can appeal their 
> with the City Council to go ahead as they have proposed.  I'm not sure 
> the timeline is on this, or what recourse there is for further objection
> (should the owner stick to her plan to build a 1200sq. ft. 2-story, 
> house on her lot.).
> I assume there's no Old North meeting for Dec. 25th, but would be 
> if anyone has input on what the procedure is in this case.  The real 
> is the zoning of the Fst block as "R-2" rather than "R-1" as, from what I
> understand, the old north community desired, but was told was
> "inconsequential" in the revised zoning debates.  Now, because of a loop
> hole in the zoning, the proposed project may be pushed through.
> happy holidays to one and all!
> Wrye Sententia
> 704 6th Street
> 753-9662

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