[OldNorth] RE: [OldNorthBoard]

Dan Quickert dequickert at omsoft.com
Sun Dec 14 22:30:52 PST 2003

On Sunday, December 14, 2003 9:44 PM, John Lofland  wrote:
> Dan,
> Simply as a matter of fact, the measure is dead if Harrington or any
> one of the other two changes her or his vote.

Right - and that is a problem, I think.
As Z Smith said, we want the Conservation District portion to be passed - 
and there are definitely the 3 requisite votes for that at this time - but 
we don't know what the next Council will look like. We need to get it 
passed now.

The area is *now* zoned R2. Passing the ordinance in question will not 
change that.

Defeating the ordinance, however, puts the whole ball of wax in uncertainty 
-- but cannot result in downzoning, because downzoning would take all 3 
votes - which we know are not there now.

So opposition to the ordinance appears to me to risk the Conservation 
District, with no chance for benefit.


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