[env-trinity] 2022/23 CDFW Trinity River Project trapping summary through Julian week 4 (January 28)

Kier, Mary Claire@Wildlife MaryClaire.Kier at wildlife.ca.gov
Wed Feb 1 10:08:15 PST 2023

Attached please find the TRP trapping summary through JW 4.
'Sorry about the double send, I didn't realize I had JW 4 data already.
Steelhead numbers are looking a little better at TRH now...

Mary Claire Kier
CA Department of Fish and Wildlife - Trinity River Project
Environmental Scientist - Fisheries
(I'm often teleworking, or in the field. Please use my email address if you need to contact me.)
5341 Ericson Way, Arcata CA 95521
Klamath/Trinity Program reports can be found online @
If you'd like to be added to the distribution list of the Trinity River Project's trapping summaries let me know.

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