[env-trinity] Fw: Proposed Oregon Gulch Channel Rehabilitation Project - Scoping notice and Virtual Mtg (5 Nov at 6 pm)

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Sat Oct 24 07:44:18 PDT 2020

From: Gutermuth, Frederic Brandt
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2020 4:40 PM
Subject: Proposed Oregon Gulch Channel Rehabilitation Project - Scoping notice and Virtual Mtg (5 Nov at 6 pm) 
Dear Trinity River Interested Parties - 
You're receiving this email, and the attached public scoping notice, in response to your expressed interest in projects proposed by the Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Land Management Redding Field Office and/or the Trinity River Restoration Program.
Any input you may chose to provide on the attached proposal is greatly appreciated and can be submitted to this email address or the mailing address included on page 5 of the attachment.  
Your input is requested by close of business, Monday, November 23, 2020.  
A virtual public scoping meeting on the project is scheduled for Thursday, November 5 from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. This meeting will include presentations from TRRP staff and provide an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions and provide input. Meeting details on be found on the event page. (https://www.trrp.net/calendar/event/?id=11685 )
If you have any issue opening the attachment or questions regarding the proposal, please contact me via  email at kheld at usbr.gov or at the telephone number below.  

Thank you- 

Kevin Held  Project Coordination Specialist | Trinity River Restoration Program | Bureau of Reclamation | 1313 S. Main St., Weaverville, CA| 530.623.1809| kheld at usbr.gov

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