[env-trinity] Sovereign Citizens

Colleen OSullivan colleen.caos at gmail.com
Mon Apr 8 16:17:52 PDT 2013

Can everyone give this a break for 24 hours and see how you feel tomorrow?
 Eyes on the prize - river restoration.


On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 3:55 PM, Joshua Allen <trinityjosh at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is this a private fight or can anyone just parachute on in?
> Lol. Come on guys; lighten up! I don't know what Pat's intentions were
> posting this article on the list-serve, being that he didn't state it as
> such, but I would surmise that it was to help describe the kind of citizen
> you may just very well run into in Trinity County. Especially those in the
> alternative farming community or other types living in the mountains who
> subscribe to the idea of sovereign citizen, which in the past were called
> "Constitutionalists" in Trinity County, who have been violent at times, and
> I for one can tell you that there are in fact people armed and dangerous in
> those hills. As the legitimacy of the federal government is questioned
> further by a larger portion of the population, combined with preppers, and
> the potential collapse of our economic and social systems; the number of
> people that one may run into while attempting to implement restoration
> efforts within the basin may be hindered.
> At least, that is what I'm surmising, from my own experience and
> background in many subjects, including those that pertain with the rise of
> American angst. That's just my two-cents on the subject and maybe that is
> why it was posted. Maybe Pat can clarify his intentions?
> Josh
> On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 3:15 PM, Greg King <gking at asis.com> wrote:
>> There are many local people to honor for doing what is "good for our"
>> rivers. But they're not just "ours." More importantly, without the
>> "parachutists" there wouldn't be one damn fish left.
>> Greg King
>> President/Executive Director
>> Siskiyou Land Conservancy
>> P.O. Box 4209
>> Arcata, CA 95518
>> 707-498-4900
>> gking at asis.com
>> http://siskiyouland.wordpress.com/
>> On Apr 8, 2013, at 11:22 AM, "bhill" <bhill at igc.org> wrote:
>> Patrick - looks like you stirred the local tea pot.  This makes a perfect
>> opportunity to create an alliance by tactfully mediating a mutual
>> understanding instead of further polarizing as the baggers would do.  Good
>> luck.****
>> Brian****
>> *From:* env-trinity-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us [mailto:env-
>> trinity-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us] *On Behalf Of *Paul Catanese
>> *Sent:* Monday, April 08, 2013 10:04 AM
>> *To:* Michael Caranci; Patrick Truman
>> *Cc:* ENV Trinity
>> *Subject:* Re: [env-trinity] Sovereign Citizens****
>> ** **
>> Micheal Caranci couldn’t have said it any better and I fully support his
>> comments. Perhaps, one should examine his own yard before casting stones
>> against those who live in the north. You wonder why those of us who
>> actually live , breath and drink this river have a lack of trust of those
>> who parachute into our communities and attempt to tell us what is good for
>> us or our river?****
>> *Paul Catanese, CPA*, Partner
>> <image001.gif> <http://www.dhscott.com/>****
>> D.H. Scott & Company
>> O: 530.243.4300 | F: 530.243.4306
>> 900 Market St, Redding, CA 96001****
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>>  ****
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>> Any advice or conclusions represent our best judgment as of the date
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>> a complete discussion of the facts and law that can be used for the purpose
>> of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by the Internal Revenue Service,
>> please let us know.*****
>> *From:* env-trinity-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us [
>> mailto:env-trinity-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us<env-trinity-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us>
>> ] *On Behalf Of *Michael Caranci
>> *Sent:* Monday, April 08, 2013 7:55 AM
>> *To:* Patrick Truman
>> *Cc:* ENV Trinity
>> *Subject:* Re: [env-trinity] Sovereign Citizens****
>> ** **
>> What does this story -- not to mention the totally unnecessary
>> bad-mouthing of people who live in Northern California -- have anything to
>> do with the purpose of this mailing list?  I thought the purpose was to
>> disseminate information pertaining to the Trinity River and it's
>> environmental concerns?  Posting a completely un-related article like this
>> is counter-productive, and to do so along with such derogatory comments is
>> totally uncalled for.  ****
>> ** **
>> The earlier post attacking conservatives in Wyoming was equally bad.  Has
>> this list turned into a soap-box for liberal propaganda attacking those
>> with different ideas and ideologies?  Again, what do either of these
>> stories have anything to do with the Trinity River?  ****
>> ** **
>> Regards,****
>> ****
>> Michael Caranci
>> Travel Sales Specialist
>> Director of Schools & Camps
>> The Fly Shop
>> 530-222-3555 or 800-669-3474
>> michael at theflyshop.com****
>> ** **
>> On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 12:06 PM, Patrick Truman <truman at jeffnet.org>
>> wrote:****
>> sounds like some folks around the north state, and they are armed and
>> dangerous...****
>>  ****
>> http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-sovereigns-20130406,0,3800088.story
>> ****
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