[env-trinity] Klamath River Fisheries Task Force Meeting 10/19-20 in Klamath Falls

Tom Stokely tstokely at trinityalps.net
Tue Oct 4 19:26:53 PDT 2005




      Yreka Fish and Wildlife Office

      1829 South Oregon Street, Yreka, CA 96097


For Immediate Release                                                                                                                                                                      


Contact:                                                                                                                                                                   October 3, 2005


                Gary Curtis - Ecosystem Restoration Team Leader

                Phil Detrich- Field Supervisor

                (530) 842-5763 


Klamath River Basin Fisheries Task Force to Meet in Klamath Falls, Oregon



The Klamath River Basin Fisheries Task Force (Task Force) will meet at the Shilo Inn, 2500 Almond Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, to discuss issues related to the restoration of salmon and other anadromous fisheries of the Klamath River.  The meeting will take place on October 19, 2005, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm; and October 20, 2005, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm.


The Task Force is a Federal advisory committee that assists the Secretary of the Interior in the formulation, coordination, and implementation of a 20-year program to restore the anadromous fish populations of the Klamath River Basin Conservation Area.  The Task Force membership includes representatives of the commercial salmon fishing industry; the in-river sport fishing community; the Yurok, Karuk, Hoopa, and Klamath Tribes; Del Norte, Humboldt, Trinity, Siskiyou, and Klamath Counties; the California Department of Fish and Game; Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife; U.S. Departments of the Interior and Agriculture; and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries).


This meeting will include a presentation from the Klamath River Fish Health Assessment Team, information about Klamath River water quality standards, updates from the Klamath Fishery Management Council on Chinook salmon management, and a presentation of the Nathaniel S. Bingham Memorial Awards for significant contribution to restoration.


Members of the public are encouraged to attend this meeting and offer comments and recommendations to the Task Force.  For additional information, please contact Gary Curtis, at (530) 842-5763.


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Klamath River Basin Fisheries Task Force

October 19-20, 2005

Shilo Inn

Klamath Falls, Oregon


October 19, 2005


9:00 AM          1. Convene and opening remarks.  John Engbring, Chair; Keith Wilkinson, Vice Chair.  Vice Chair for next meeting is Keith Wilkinson.


9:15                 2. Introductions of Congressional staff in attendance


9:20                 3. Business

a. Adoption of agenda


Joint Task Force-Klamath Fishery Management Council Information Session 


9:30                 4. Klamath River Fish Health Assessment Team (Catherine Carter, California Water Quality Control Board)


10:00               5. Klamath Fishery Management Council update and Pacific Fishery Management Council review of Klamath River Fall Chinook Conservation Goal (Curt Melcher)


10:30               6. Public Comment


10:45               Break


11:00               7. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Klamath River monitoring update (Flow Study), current disease status, and overview of ongoing disease studies (Nick Hetrick)


11:30               8. Status of Klamath Irrigation Project continuing operations, Conservation Implementation Plan, and Undepleted Natural Flow Study (Christine Karas, Bureau of Reclamation) 


                        Klamath Council/Task Force Joint Session Ends


12:15               LUNCH


1:30                 9. Joint Oregon/California Klamath River TMDL update (David Leland and Steve Kirk)


2:15                 10. Business

                             a) Brief review of June, 2005, meeting actions and general correspondence    (Gary Curtis) 

                             b)  Adoption of June, 2005, meeting minutes 



2:30                 11. Updates and Announcements FERC

a. Status of 2005 Klamath River anadromous fisheries (Neil Manji) 

b. Update on State of California coho recovery process (Neil Manji)

c. Update on NOAA recovery planning process (Irma Lagomarsino)

d. Update on hydro relicensing (Phil Detrich) 


3:00                 Break


3:15                 12. Public Comment 


3:50                 13. Presentation of Nathaniel S. Bingham Memorial Awards (John Engbring)


4:00                 Recess


4:30 - 6:00 PM            Field Trip to Link River Dam fish ladder 


6:30 - ?           Social Hour - Join us at Sergio's Dos, 4650 S. 6th St., Klamath Falls



Reconvene - October 20, 2005


8:00 AM         Reconvene and opening remarks


8:15                 14. Report from Klamath Watershed Coordination Group 

                                    a. Klamath Basin Compact Commission (Alice Kilham)

                                    b. Trinity Management Council (Mike Orcutt)

                                    c. Upper Klamath Basin working Group (Jim Carpenter)


8:45                 15. Public Comment


9:00                 16.  Accomplishments report update (Gary Curtis and Petey Brucker)


9:20                 17. Report from Technical Work Group (Petey Brucker)


10:15               Break


10:30               18. Government Accountability Office audit of the Klamath River Basin Conservation Area Restoration Program (John Engbring)


11:15               19. Public Comment


11:30               20. Recap and Summary of Assignments and Motions (John Engbring)

                              Next meetings are: February 2006 in Crescent City; June 2006 in Yreka


12:00 PM        Adjourn
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