[Dhsbb-jazz] Playathon permission slips and information

Jeanette E. Natzle jenatzle at ucdavis.edu
Sat Jan 7 20:22:42 PST 2012

Dear parents and members of DHS bands,

Permission slips, information sheets and pledge sheets for the annual Play-a-thon 2012 went home with students on Friday. In case you didn't receive them, they are also attached here. We would like to have the permission slips returned to the band room by Tues Jan 17 in order to streamline the check-in process. We will also accept them the night of the event. Students must turn in a signed permission slip in order to participate.  Please encourage your student to ask extended family and friends for their financial support for this music marathon evening...even small pledges add up to help defray the cost of the spring trips for the jazz band or the combined band. Pledge forms and funds should be turned in at check-in.

The schedule for the evening is described in the attached information sheet. We would love to have parents come for the first part of the evening (at 7 pm Friday Jan 20), to listen to the family/friends/alumni hour and join in with the band to play along or to have a chance to conduct ( your $25 pledge on your student's pledge form is all that is needed to join in with the band!). If you are not a "wannabe" musician, you can still enjoy some dessert and coffee or tea, and buy a ticket to participate in the cakewalk....you might win a wonderful dessert to take home to your family. After family and friends leave, band students will remain to spend the rest of the night in a music marathon....sight-reading and rehearsing some fun and exciting music with guest conductors, punctuated by breaks to relax with friends, dance and enjoy snacks. They will be ready to be picked up at 7 a.m. on Saturday a.m. Jan 21.  Monday Jan 23 is a secondary holiday for students (teacher work day) in between the first and second semester, so they will have a good opportunity to rest and relax before the first week of the next semester.

We could use your help to make this event a success. Please visit the Sign-up Genius site at
http://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0848AAAB2F4-playathon to see how you can help. We need a few people on the weekend of Jan 14-15-16 (Martin Luther King weekend) to assemble music folders...if you would like to help with this please contact Jeanette Vance at jenatzle at ucdavis.edu<mailto:jenatzle at ucdavis.edu> or 758-2956 ASAP with your time availability on that weekend.  The other jobs will take place at the event on Friday Jan 20-Sat Jan 21. If you are a school district employee, we could especially use your help as a chaperone for part of the evening.  You can also help by contributing desserts or cakes for the cake walk, by loaning a Twister game, or by bringing some household materials that we will use for a costume creation contest (newspaper, paper bags, toilet paper, masking tape).  If you are a sophomore or junior parent, and think you might like to help carry on the tradition for next year, please let Jeanette Vance know (jenatzle at ucdavis.edu<mailto:jenatzle at ucdavis.edu>, 758-2956) so that you can observe and learn the ropes this year.

Thanks for your help ...we're looking forward to a great evening of music and fun.

Jeanette Natzle Vance
Play-a-thon coordinator
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