[Dhsbb-jazz] Final San Diego Trip Reminders

JazzyHorns at aol.com JazzyHorns at aol.com
Tue Apr 24 15:17:58 PDT 2012

Final reminders for San Diego:
Check in of luggage and instruments is THURSDAY (2 days from now..)  from 
7:15 - 9:30 a.m. at the IPAB lobby.  Be sure to allow enough time to  check 
in luggage, meds, instrument AND get to class on  time.  
Then return to the IPAB to load busses right when lunch begins.  
DVD's:  Students may bring any DVD's rated PG-13 or lower to watch on  the 
trip.  Busses will decide what to watch based on what folks  bring.  
Bring study items for the bus.  We will have a designated study period  on 
the long drive so make good use of it!  (or kids can quietly sleep or  
listen to ipods if they are study-free...:)  
Remember a bag lunch for Thursday
Flashlight for the Beach BBQ event
Sweatshirt or jacket:  Forcasted temperatures are highs of mid-60's so  it 
will be chilly especially when we are still out after dark
Comfortable walking shoes:  Flip flops all day at the park and zoo  will 
NOT lead to happy feet for this 4 day excursion.  
Foldable music stand labled with your name (masking tape works  great).  
All the pieces secured with a rubber band or hair tie is also  helpful in 
keeping them together, since we will collect them into a large tub  for easy 
access at performances.  It's best if this is easily accessible at  check in so 
that it can go into the tub right then.  
Sunglasses - many kids found it very hard to perform without them on the  
outside sunny performances.  
Students WILL need their instruments at school on Tuesday after we return  
(May 1st)  
It's gonna be great!
Katie Horn
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