[Davis Democrats] Final Days: Tell the FCC to Save the Internet

John Chendo jac07 at dcn.org
Mon Jul 9 10:57:32 PDT 2007

------ Forwarded Message
From: "Timothy Karr, SavetheInternet.com" <list at freepress.net>
Reply-To: <notice-reply-i78nieb2vbtwiej at ga-mail.action.freepress.net>
Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2007 17:09:52 GMT

Subject: Final Days: Tell the FCC to Save the Internet

 Dear John, 
 <http://action.freepress.net/ct/edMaYHE1sBym/> Watch and Rate Our New Video
We have only five days left to defend a free and open Internet at the FCC.
The agency needs to hear from you about Net Neutrality -- the principle that
stops AT, Verizon and Comcast from controlling where you can go online.

Thousands of people have already told their stories (see below) urging the
FCC to protect Net Neutrality. Now it's your turn:
Tell the FCC to Save the Internet
You need to act now before the FCC closes its comment period. If we flood
them with comments in support of Net Neutrality, the FCC will be pressed to
stand up to the giant phone and cable companies that seek to undermine free
choice on the Web. 

At SavetheInternet.com <http://action.freepress.net/ct/3pMaYHE1sByu/> , you
can read stories from others, view photographs, and join the fight to make
the Internet affordable, open and accessible to everyone. You can even
create your own personal comment page to share with others. Go there now to
see our new video: 
Watch Our New Video and Save the Internet
This may be the best chance we have this year to demonstrate to Washington
that protecting the free and open Internet is an issue that matters to
millions of Americans. The FCC needs to know why Net Neutrality is important
to you. Tell them how an open Internet impacts your daily life, your
business and your ability to connect with others.

To save the Internet, we need to flood the FCC with stories from people
around the country. Can you ask five friends to send their stories to the
Tell Your Friends to Take Action
With your help, we can send a message to the FCC that they can't ignore.


Timothy Karr
Campaign Director
www.savetheinternet.com <http://action.freepress.net/ct/3pMaYHE1sByu/>

P.S. Here's what others are saying:

"The greatest hope that this country has is the reconnection of American
voices with our political system. The Internet is the first medium that is
truly interactive, in which one person's voice can reach millions. This
fundamental change would end the open Internet as we know it." Read
Jennifer's full story. <http://action.freepress.net/ct/e7MaYHE1sByE/>

"In rural America, the Internet is very important in staying informed. We
read several national newspapers every day to get the news our local paper
does not thoroughly cover." Read Charles  Carol's full story.

"Currently the media is not diverse at all, and the only option I have found
to escape from it has been the Internet. ... If the Internet is controlled
by powerful people with money, will it ever be what it has been? Will we be
able to enjoy diversity?" Read Norie's full story.

To read thousands of other stories visit:


Take action on this campaign at: www.savetheinternet.com/yourstory

Tell others about this campaign at: www.savetheinternet.com/tellafriend.php

If you received this message from a friend, you can click here
<http://action.freepress.net/freepress/join.html?r=9pMaYHE1IrBjE&>  to
become a Free Press activist.

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