[Davis Democrats] The next newsletter issue.
G Richard Yamagata PhD
yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Thu Jun 24 00:01:41 PDT 2004
Greetings Dan,
Can you run something in the newsletter to e-mail yamagata at yvm.net if anyone
wants to be on the Davis Democrat e-mail list. The list is just for the
Davis Democrat club to announce the board meetings and club activities and
posts from the executive board. That is the beginning and end of the
purpose of that mailing list.
I received e-mail from Kevin Wolf. He wants just one e-mail list to come
out from the headquarters. That is fine and good, but there is a difference
between the Democrat Club e-mail list and the Beat Bush organization and
e-mail list. The club web site will not post any of the events that are
happening at the headquarters, but will and has established links to the
headquarters web site and the web site calendar. The club must continue to
support its own infrastructure or it will be in shambles after the November
election. I will not support nor be a party to an organization that
continues after the election that is maintained, separate from the Davis
Democrat Club.
As President and Newsletter editor and members of the board, it is your
responsibility as it is mine and every member of the board to support the
Davis Democrat Club and ensure its longevity. That is why we were elected
and that is what we were entrusted with as officers of this local Democrat
club, a trust that has continued from 1950, when the organization was founded.
As such I thank Bob Bockwinkel, Stephen Souza, Adrienne Kandell, Joyce
Wilson and others for their continued support of the Davis Democrat Club.
G Richard Yamagata PhD
CEO/President VME Inc. http://www.vme.net/
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G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of
Directors, secretary of the board of the Davis Democrat Club, president of the
board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, member of the board of the Business
Link of Woodland and Davis, and communications liason of the Independent Order
of Oddfellows chapter 169.
The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions
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