[Davis Democrats] FW: [SacramentoforKerry] Last Chance for Wed and New HP for 6/26
G Richard Yamagata PhD
yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Tue Jun 22 05:28:55 PDT 2004
Greetings All,
This is the e-mailing list for the Davis Democrat Club.
There will be activity at the downtown premier of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit
9/11. I have tried to get information from the web about cost and movie
times, but have gotten nowhere. To get more details, contact the Beat Bush
Headquarters at the corner of 5th and L Street. I will post more
information as I receive it. For the headquarters contact information,
visit: http://yolobeatbush2004.com
I received e-mail from John Chendo. The following has been posted at:
A Donkey Parable
A link to subscribe for a daily progressive view of the news
More Kerry events from Nancy Bui -- To summarize these:
From: "Nancy Bui" <nancybui at hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 09:07:31 -0700
To: SacramentoforKerry at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [SacramentoforKerry] Last Chance for Wed and New HP for 6/26
Count down to July 25th! We are only 33 days away until we can no longer
write a check for John Kerry for President, Inc.
We are trying to raise as much funds as we can for Kerry before July 25th.
Many people are confused about where the funds go and what Kerry can do with
the funds. Kerry is trying to raise as much direct money he can before July
25th, he can use any money raised before July 25th for the election. He DOES
not have to spend it all before July 25th. After July 25th, we will be
fundraising for the general DNC account, there has been an account set up
now for those of you who have maxed out ($2000), Kerry Victory 2004 that you
can write checks to. If you have any questions, please let me know.
CALLING ALL San Jose Sen. John Kerry event attendees and potential
attendees: I am organizing car pools to San Jose on Wednesday, please let me
know if you would like to drive or be a passenger. If you would like to
still buy a ticket $500 to attend or volunteer, please let me know. The
attire is business professional suits.
(Events posted at http://yvm.net/vme/democrats/events.html)
There has been a new Kerry House party added for this Saturday, hope to see
you at one of the great events!
Kerry on!
Nancy Bui
Regional Coordinator Sacramento
John Kerry for President
Reception at the Turn Verein - June 24th!!
Posted at http://yvm.net/vme/democrats/events.html
Kerry Party at Tapan's Place on June 26th
New Posting at http://yvm.net/vme/democrats/events.html
Support Kerry Party at Tapan's Place
Saturday , June 26th
6pm - 2am
Tapan's Place
948 36th Street
Sacramento, CA 95816
916 613 1921 (Cell)
916 254 1921 (Home)
taptriv at yahoo.com
Minimum Suggested Donation $10
Barbeque , Standup Comedy - expect a good crowd and some cool
performances, Live DJ, Fire Dancing.
Eat: Bring something to BBQ and something to share.
Drink: Bring your favorite beverage etc to contribute
Relax: Bring a lawn chair so you can kick it.
Crash: Bring a bag if you need to stay the night.
Please join the members of Stonewall Democratic club at the home of Sam
Catalano on Saturday, June 26th.
Posted already at http://yvm.net/vme/democrats/events.html
G Richard Yamagata PhD
CEO/President VME Inc. http://www.vme.net/
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G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of
Directors, secretary of the board of the Davis Democrat Club, president of the
board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, member of the board of the Business
Link of Woodland and Davis, and communications liason of the Independent Order
of Oddfellows chapter 169.
The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions
More information about the DavisDemocrats
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