[OldNorth] August meeting ONDNA board
Dave DeYoung
kimdave.deyoung at gmail.com
Fri Aug 4 14:10:41 PDT 2023
Below is the agenda for the meeting of the ONDNA board August 10 at 6:00 pm. This meeting will be held via Zoom; the logon link for the meeting is included below.
Of particular note for this meeting is a discussion with Doug Buzbee, part of the development team that has proposed the Lumberyard project for the old Hibbert Lumberyard property.
Dave DeYoung
President, Old North Davis Neighborhood Association
Old North Davis Neighborhood Association
Board Meeting Agenda, Thursday August 10, 2023, 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Via Zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84105719563
The Old North Board: Melody Boyer (Secretary), Dave DeYoung (Pres.), Elma Gardner (Vice Pres.), Karen Gellen, Marnelle Gleason (Treasurer), Gerrit Mulholland, and Angela Willson.
A. Review and Approval of Agenda
a. (items may be added to the agenda for initial discussion; however, no decisions can be made at this meeting for items added in this manner)
B. Introductions/Announcements
a. Welcome, updates and check-in with each board member and guests as time allows
C. Approval of Minutes: Meetings of June 26, 2023 (M. Boyer)
D. Neighborhood Projects
a. Doug Buzbee, minority partner in the Lumberyard project, will present an update to the project, with group discussion of concerns raised by OND residents about potential impacts to the neighborhood, and potential mitigation strategies.
E. Treasurer’s Report (M. Gleason)
F. Police Department Community Advisory Board and Human Relations Commission (A. Willson)
G. Update of preliminary discussions with Public Works about N preferential parking district (G. Mulholland)
H. Future Meetings
a. Future meeting times, and result of survey of board members
b. Meet in person
I. Pending
Follow-up from downtown plan adoption, address speeds on B/F Streets, additional 4-way stops (6th and C, 6th and E, 6th and G), oversight of tree canopy restoration, volunteer cleanups, update website,
Newman Center historical analysis, roster/phone tree, alley cleanup, volunteer cleanup for those in need, naming alleys, street trees, Lyda Williams Garden, in-person meetings at Museum
J. Next Meeting: September TBD
Dave DeYoung is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: OLDNA Board Zoom Meeting
Time: Aug 10, 2023 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 841 0571 9563
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Meeting ID: 841 0571 9563
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kwjTSwBYY
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