[OldNorth] FW: May 2 DPAC Meeting Packet

John Meyer john.meyer at live.com
Sun Apr 28 09:34:11 PDT 2019

Old North Board,

Attached is the agenda for next Thursday’s meeting of the Downtown Plan Advisory Committee.  While a draft plan has not yet been released, there are several issues within this packet that would benefit from your review/comment.


From: Eric Lee<mailto:ELee at cityofdavis.org>
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 6:16 PM
To: Ashley Feeney<mailto:AFeeney at cityofdavis.org>; Brett Lee<mailto:BLee at cityofdavis.org>; Caroline Swinehart<mailto:caroline.swinehart at opticosdesign.com>; Catherine Brinkley<mailto:ckbrinkley at ucdavis.edu>; Cheryl Essex<mailto:cheryl.essex.davis at gmail.com>; Chris Granger<mailto:christinelgranger at gmail.com>; Dan Carson<mailto:DCarson at cityofdavis.org>; Darren McCaffrey<mailto:dbmccaffrey at gmail.com>; Deema Tamimi<mailto:deemanator at gmail.com>; Diane Parro<mailto:DParro at cityofdavis.org>; Emily Shandy<mailto:emily.dt.shandy at gmail.com>; Eric Lee<mailto:ELee at cityofdavis.org>; Eric Roe<mailto:ericcarlroe at gmail.com>; Gladys Cornell<mailto:gcornell at aimconsultingco.com>; Heidi Tschdudin<mailto:htschudin at sbcglobal.net>; isabelle gaillard<mailto:igaillard at aimconsultingco.com>; John Meyer<mailto:john.meyer at live.com>; Josh Chapman<mailto:chappyjosh at gmail.com>; Judith Corbett<mailto:judycorbett at sbcglobal.net>; Kerry Loux<mailto:KLoux at cityofdavis.org>; Larry Guenther<mailto:Larrydguenther at gmail.com>; Mary DeWall<mailto:mary.stephens at sbcglobal.net>; Matt Dulcich<mailto:medulcich at ucdavis.edu>; Matt Williams<mailto:mattwill at pacbell.net>; Meg Arnold<mailto:meg at gsdconsulting.net>; Michelle Byars<mailto:mbyars at omsoft.com>; Mike Webb<mailto:MWebb at cityofdavis.org>; Mike Yackey<mailto:myackey at yahoo.com>; Mitali Ganguly<mailto:mitali.ganguly at opticosdesign.com>; Randolph Yackzan<mailto:randy at yackzangroup.com>; Sarah Worley<mailto:SWorley at cityofdavis.org>; Sherri Metzker<mailto:SMetzker at cityofdavis.org>; Sinisa Novakovic<mailto:snovakov at mac.com>; Ted Parks<mailto:tparks at woodstocksdavis.com>
Subject: May 2 DPAC Meeting Packet

Please see the attached meeting packet for the Thursday May 2nd meeting. If there are any problems with the attachment, please let me know. We will be posting the agenda and packet online, but it won’t be until Monday.

For DPAC members who are unable to make the Thursday meeting, please feel free to email staff any comments you may have on the information we are presenting and we will share your comments with DPAC at the meeting. Thank you.

Eric Lee, Planner
City of Davis, Community Development & Sustainability Department
23 Russell Boulevard, Suite 2, Davis, CA 95616
Phone: 530-757-5610 ext. 7237

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