[OldNorth] Combine HRMC with Planning

sheryl lynn gerety winterety at sbcglobal.net
Mon Sep 20 11:07:05 PDT 2010

Below is correspondence from Rhonda Reed of Old East to Tim Allis and  
Kathleen Groody that clarifies the City Council proposal to combine  
HRMC with the Planning Commission.  The City Council meeting that  
takes up the proposal is tomorrow night.  Please consider attending  
whether you would feel able to speak to this or be a presence at the  

Sorry if you got two or even three copies. I'll be working on this soon.

Sheryl Gerety
Secretary ONDNA Board

The distribution list on this email does not seem to include ONDNA  
members.  Can you circulate this on your list?  Seems like something  
we may be interested in knowing.  I agree with Jim Becket that going  
before Council is gut wrenching (or should I say retching?).


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Jim Becket <jimbecket at sbcglobal.net>
To: Timothy Allis <teallis at ucdavis.edu>; Val Jones <scarlet at cal.net>;  
Alan C. Miller <sleeper at omsoft.com>; Marilyn Underwood <munderwo2003 at yahoo.com 
 >; Cathy Forkas <cforkas at yahoo.com>; Valerie Vann <valerie at vanngroup.com 
 >; John Lofland <jlofland at ucdavis.edu>; Kathleen Groody-home <kathleengroody at yahoo.com 
 >; kgroody at waterboards.com; Rhonda Reed <salmonlady at sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Mon, September 20, 2010 9:25:58 AM
Subject: Re: Attachment and Proposed dissolution of Davis Historical  
Resources Management Commission.

Thanks to Rhonda and Tim for taking the time to high light this  
proposed action by the Council. I was aware of it, but had not taken  
the time yet to "pay attention.".

I think it is especially important for those of you who are not  
directly involved with the DHRMC and/or the Hattie Weber Museum to  
speak to this issue. Those of us who have a "vested interest," so to  
speak, may not carry as much clout with the whole Council as those who  
do not.

Up until this proposal, I had been hopeful historical preservation  
would get more, not less, support from this Council. Steve Souza, for  
example, had already stated that he intended to attend every DHRMC  
meeting as Council Liaison - and did attend the one that has been held  
since he got the assignment - which would be quite different from  
Saylor's lousy record of attendance.

Also, I think attendance at the Council meeting (as painful as it may  
be for some of us) and making direct input is much more important than  
a letter.

Usually, I sign off with "Peace," but in this case: Go Gettum! ( with  
civility of course) Jim

--- On Mon, 9/20/10, Rhonda Reed <salmonlady at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

From: Rhonda Reed <salmonlady at sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Attachment and Proposed dissolution of Davis Historical  
Resources Management Commission.
To: "Timothy Allis" <teallis at ucdavis.edu>, "Val Jones"  
<scarlet at cal.net>, "Alan C. Miller" <sleeper at omsoft.com>, "Marilyn  
Underwood" <munderwo2003 at yahoo.com>, "Cathy Forkas"  
<cforkas at yahoo.com>, "Valerie Vann" <valerie at vanngroup.com>, "Jim  
Becket" <jimbecket at sbcglobal.net>, "John Lofland"  
<jlofland at ucdavis.edu>, "Kathleen Groody-home"  
<kathleengroody at yahoo.com>, kgroody at waterboards.com
Date: Monday, September 20, 2010, 12:36 AM

Oops - this time with attachment.  apologies!  r2

From: Rhonda Reed <salmonlady at sbcglobal.net>
To: Timothy Allis <teallis at ucdavis.edu>; Val Jones <scarlet at cal.net>;  
Alan C. Miller <sleeper at omsoft.com>; Marilyn Underwood <munderwo2003 at yahoo.com 
 >; Cathy Forkas <cforkas at yahoo.com>; Valerie Vann <valerie at vanngroup.com 
 >; Jim Becket <jimbecket at sbcglobal.net>; John Lofland <jlofland at ucdavis.edu 
 >; Kathleen Groody-home <kathleengroody at yahoo.com>;kgroody at waterboards.com
Sent: Mon, September 20, 2010 12:34:12 AM
Subject: Proposed dissolution of Davis Historical Resources Management  

All -

On Tuesday September 21, the Davis City Council will be hearing an  
item that proposes to abolish the Historical Resources Management  
Commission and to combine it with the Planning Commission.  The  
proposal states that the current expertise of the HRMC can be conveyed  
to the Planning Commission members with only 2 to 8 hours of  
training!!!  From my perspecitve, the particular expertise provided by  
this current body has been significant in the protection of the  
limited number of Davis historical resources in the last 8 years, and  
it has been clear that the Planning Commission has operated to a very  
different set of rules and expertise.  The Downtown area, Old East  
Davis, and Old North Davis would all look different without the expert  
recommendations of the HRMC, and not to the advantage of our city's  
limited historic resources.

The Council Subcommittee on Commissions (Don Saylor/Rochelle Swanson)  
has agendized this item for Council to discuss Commission Structure on  
September 21 and I have attached the staff report, or it may be found  
on the city's website at: http://cityofdavis.org/meetings/councilpackets/20100921/08%20City%20Commission%20Structure.pdf 
.  Clearly this Subcommittee is looking at reducing the number of  
Commisions that the city supports, but in looking at this report, it  
is clear to me that while come of the recommendations make sense from  
the perspective of combining like-purposed commissions, the mission of  
the HRMC is substantially different and requiring different expertise  
than represented by the Planning Commission charge.  Please join me  
attending the City Council meeting on Tuesday to express your support  
for continuing the HRMC, or  in writing to the Council to express this  
same sentiment.  Please spread the word.

Thank you for your support, and apologies for any cross postings,

Rhonda Reed and Tim Allis

Old East Davis residents

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