[OldNorth] ONDNA interest group -- 501 G demolition and Oeste Manor's "rental permit" proposal

Robin/Dennis(home) rddd at dcn.davis.ca.us
Sat Jan 9 00:57:06 PST 2010

Old North Davis interest group,
	Below is a note from the city's planning staff that a 
demolition permit has been received for the old Union 76 gas station 
at nw corner of 5th and G  (501 G).   The city's notice is also 
	Also below is a notice from Oeste Manor's neighborhood about 
a meeting next Monday at 7 at the Redwood Meeting Room on Chaves 
Elementary on Anderson.  There will be a discussion of a proposal to 
restore the city's policy of requiring  business permits for rented 
houses and rented rooms within houses.  It is called a neighborhood 
safety ordinance and is attached (with email note also below).  I'll 
be attending the Monday meeting three days from now and others are 
invited.  My personal opinion is to support the ordinance but I'll 
not represent my views as those of ONDNA;  I will relay other 
individual opinions of ONDNA board members and OND residents.  That 
proposed ordinance is also attached.

Dennis Dingemans
Old North Davis Neighborhood Association
Chair/President for 2008/2010

From: Eric Lee <ELee at cityofdavis.org>
To: "Old North Neighborhood (rddd at dcn.org)" <rddd at dcn.org>
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2010 15:59:11 -0800
X-ASG-Orig-Subj: 501 G Street
Subject: 501 G Street
Thread-Topic: 501 G Street
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I wanted to let the association know that we received a demolition 
application for 501 G Street to remove the service station building, 
canopies, and underground tanks. No plans have been submitted for any 
development on the site at this point. There is a comment period. 
Here is the notice.

Eric Lee, Assistant Planner
City of Davis, Community Development Dept.
23 Russell Boulevard, Suite 2, Davis, CA 95616
Ph: (530) 757-5610
Web: <http://www.cityofdavis.org>www.cityofdavis.org

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Date: Thu, 07 Jan 2010 08:59:51 -0800
From: Sarah Boone <boone at dcn.org>
To: Dennis Dingemans <rddd at dcn.org>
Subject: Proposed Rental Housing Safety Ordinance

Dear Dennis,
It was fun talking with you this morning. Attached is the Proposed 
Rental Housing Safety Ordinance that the Oeste Manor Neighborhood 
Association will present at the February 1 meeting, 7pm. Location of 
the Oeste Manor Neighborhood Association meeting:  the Redwood 
Building at Redwood Park, next to Cesar Chavez Elementary School at 
1001 Anderson Road, behind the tennis courts.

I'll send you the agenda prior to the meeting.

Warm Regards, Sarah Boone

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