[OldNorth] Davis Dollars - Community Currency

Kevin Fabian kjfabian at gmail.com
Sun Aug 23 12:37:40 PDT 2009

Good afternoon, Old North Davis NA!

My name is Kevin and I'm with Davis Dollars - a community currency
organization (soon-to-be-nonprofit-organization) we're starting in Davis.
Community currencies have the power to stimulate a local economy and the
community by empowering individuals to share their skills with others. The
community currency can bring these skills to people who need to save their
limited income for necessary expenses like rent, gas, and insurance. At the
same time, this encourages members of the community to get to know each
other, and rely on each other for help.

We would like to have a neighborhood discussion of Davis Dollars at some
point (possibly at your next NA meeting - will there be a meeting held this
Thursday?). We can discuss the details of community currencies currently in
practice around the nation and, most importantly, how Davis Dollars can
strengthen community in Old North Davis.  



Kevin Fabian

Davis Dollars - Outreach

(510) 289 - 7707


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