[OldNorth] City Council Candidates' Forum

sheryl lynn gerety winterety at sbcglobal.net
Thu Apr 24 17:16:08 PDT 2008

Sierra Club and Davis Neighborhood Coalition City Council Candidate  

Please join us at a City Council Candidates Forum on Wednesday, April  
30 from 7:00 to 9:30 PM in the Community Chambers at 23 Russell  
Boulevard.  The Sierra Club Yolano Group and the Davis Neighborhood  
Coalition are sponsoring the forum. Council candidates will be  
answering questions submitted by Sierra Club and the Coalition  
regarding important environmental, neighborhood and community issues,  
and will also take questions from the floor. The forum will also be  
recorded live and broadcast on our local government channel.

The format of this forum is designed to provide an educational  
experience for the public regarding the views of the city council  
candidates.  The public will have the opportunity to review the  
questions and background materials at the beginning of the forum, and  
to participate by submitting their own questions.

This forum has been timed so that voters can make informed decisions  
when voting for the Davis City Council.  The absentee ballots for this  
election begin to be issued on May 5, last day to register to vote is  
May 19, and election day is June 3.

For more information regarding the forum, please contact DNC Chair,  
Holly Bishop at 753-2773 or Yolano Group co-chairs Pam Nieberg at  
756-6856 and Stacie Frerichs at 758-0807.

Please send out to your lists.
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