[OldNorth] monthly meeting

sheryl lynn gerety winterety at sbcglobal.net
Tue Mar 18 15:29:12 PDT 2008

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Old North Davis Neighborhood Association Meeting
Thursday, 20 March 2008
6:30 PM
602 C Street
oldnorth at mailman.dcn.org

HRMC Award

I.	Call to order & introductions.

II. 	Treasurer’s report (Groody)

III.	Webmaster's Report
1.Copyright notice:
2. Optimization for a specific browser/operating system: "Site is 
optimized for Firefox and Safari"  
3."Under Construction" notice

1.Candidates Forum sponsored by Sierra Club and DNC April 30
2.Meeting tomorrow 21 March 1PM  with DJUSD Supt Hammond on Tree 
Mitigation, King High

1.643 F HRMC Award
2.Election Committee
3.Revenue Generating Parking District?
4.Cayce Wallace – Korean Church Expansion	
5.Dicuss adding Joel to board whether by appointment until election or 
as a candidate for a member-at-large?

IX.	Adjourn

Officials:  Officers;  Members of the Board (as of the June 2006 
election):  Vice President Raul Zamora (400-9102); Secretary Tony 
Martin 759-2012; Treasurer Kathleen Groody (757-1092); Member at Large 
Steve Tracy (756-4921); Member at Large Dennis Dingemans (753-5959); 
Member at Large Peter Gunther (758-4009); President Sheryl Gerety 
(758-3990).  Webmaster Joel McKinney, 530.297.5671, 
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