[OldNorth] [OldNorthBoard] Bees, not yellow jackets on seventh = good news on the urban nature front

John Lofland jflofland at ucdavis.edu
Wed Jul 4 21:00:55 PDT 2007

"Professor" Dennis,

Anonymous reports through you are not credible. Could we get a more 
authoritative assessment?


Citizen John Lofland

>John (and OND all),
>	The good news is that the swarming hive are honey bees and 
>not yellow jackets (in the opinion of an experienced bee watcher who 
>looked at the hive with me a few minutes ago).  Because honey bees 
>are in substantial trouble all around California these past few 
>years I'm hoping this lively group of bees is undergoing the benign 
>steps needed to send out a colony hive to thrive in an additional 
>site. I'm hoping we and the city allow them (encourage them!) to be 
>successful in doing their bee reproduction thing.
>At 5:52 PM -0700 7/4/07, John Lofland wrote:
>>FYI, attached.  I am not sure what, if anything, should be done 
>>about the situation described.
>>Having had a nest of yellow jackets in my yard and having read up 
>>on them as a consequence, I do know that,  unlike other nesting 
>>insects, yellow jackets are reported to be very dangerous at times.
>>Apparently, they attack in a mass if they are provoked. But, 
>>perhaps, no one will bother them.
>>John Lofland
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