[OldNorth] Thursday, April 26 Agenda

sheryl lynn gerety winterety at sbcglobal.net
Wed Apr 25 08:21:55 PDT 2007

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Old North Davis Neighborhood Association Meeting
Thursday, 26 April 2007;  6:30 PM;  Hattie Weber Museum
oldnorth at mailman.dcn.org

Neighborhood Picnic/Election

I.	Call to order & introductions.
II.	Discussion of minutes (March 2007).
III.	Treasurer’s report (Groody).
IV.	Web master's report (Martinich).
VI.	Announcements.
VII.	Business
	(A)	Date for Picnic
	(B)	Election Committee:  Bruce Winterhalder
	(C)   	Parking Survey:  as it is taking form (Kathleen)
	(D)	Board of Education 7-11 Committee/District Office Property

IX.	Adjourn
Officials:  Officers;  Members of the Board (as of the June 2006 
election):  Vice President Dan Quickert (756-0575); Secretary Tony 
Martin 759-2012; Treasurer Kathleen Groody (757-1092); Member at Large 
Steve Tracy (756-4921); Member at Large Dennis Dingemans (753-5959); 
President Sheryl Gerety (758-3990); and, Webmaster Donald Martinich 
(756-8234).  Web Site (under new, expanded management!): 

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