[OldNorth] King High School Project

sheryl lynn gerety winterety at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jan 7 20:43:09 PST 2007

Below you will find a memo from the ONDNA Board concerning the King 
High School Project:

Sunday, January 7, 2007

To:  	Bill Emlen, Davis City Manager
	David Murphy, Superintendent
	Davis Joint Unified District School Board

From:  Sheryl Gerety, President, Old North Davis Neighborhood 
Association Board

Subject:  King High School  [1) Proposed Tree Mitigation, 2) Basketball 
court, 3) Driveway access to single-car auto shop]

	The Davis Enterprise on Sunday, November 7, 2007, reports that a "King 
High Land Swap Deal [has been] Reached," signaling resumption of this 
project is imminent.  There are at least three components of the new 
King High School plan that should be brought to the neighbors for 
discussion before everything is finalized and construction resumed.  
Although, the article mentions you intend to discuss the tree 
mitigation elements of the deal with the neighbors, to our knowledge 
there has been no effort to make contact.

	The Old North Davis Neighborhood Association is especially concerned 
to have input on the topics of tree mitigation, the siting of the 
basketball court and handling of impacts from it, and the siting of the 
driveway access planned for the single-car auto shop.

	The loss of the mature pine trees on the far side of B Street is an 
issue for Old North residents.  It is unfortunate that the plans drawn 
up for the new high school did not accommodate the trees' existing root 
structure.  We want to be involved in discussions of mitigation.

	The siting of the basketball court is another matter of interest to 
neighbors on B and C Streets, since noise, night lighting, unsupervised 
use outside school hours and presumably heavier use of the park at 
night will affect us all.

	As a matter of courtesy, the auto shop itself as well as the location 
of driveway access to the auto shop is also something we would like to 
discuss since few of our members have actually seen plans showing the 
shop and its connection to the street.

	We applaud discussions between Council and School Board members, and 
the expressed wish to include affected residents.  Please let us know 
how we can join you talk about these important issues.

Sheryl Gerety
winterety at sbcglobal.net
oldnorth at mailman.dcn.org
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