[OldNorthBoard] Fwd: Re: [OldNorth] Planning for 435 G

Andrew P. Wallace ap_wallace at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 14 02:56:30 PST 2005

On the website....

Only members of the mailing list can post to the mailing list (anyone can
automatically become a member of the mailing list).  If a request is
rejected, then the person who received the notice of a rejected posting
receives a message with information on the problem.  This all happens
automatically without any personal intervention.

Also, to get posted on the website, the request generally needs to be
specific (i.e. "Please post to the website" or "Please post to members",

At this point, if there are any meeting minutes on the meeting, then we can
post those.

Andy Wallace

-----Original Message-----
From: ondboard-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
[mailto:ondboard-bounces at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us]On Behalf Of John
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 6:07 PM
To: oldnorth at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us; board at oldnorthdavis.com;
ondboard at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us; Esther Polito
Subject: [OldNorthBoard] Fwd: Re: [OldNorth] Planning for 435 G

>Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2005 12:39:14 -0800
>From: "Esther Polito" <EPolito at ci.davis.ca.us>
>To: <jflofland at ucdavis.edu>
>Cc: "Heather Johanson" <HJohanson at ci.davis.ca.us>,
<winterety at sbcglobal.com>,
>         <bwinterhalder at ucdavis.edu>
>Subject: Re: [OldNorth] Planning for 435 G
>X-UCD-Spam-Score: 0.374 () DNS_FROM_RFC_ABUSE
>Dear John,
>I am replying for Heather because I am the one who noticed this morning
>that her notice had not been posted to the ONDNA web site.
>First, let me assure you that there is still plenty of time to comment
>on the 435 G Street rezoning.  Heather would be glad to meet with you
>individually, or to discuss the project via email or on the telephone.
>The project will not be reviewed by the Planning Commission until Jan.
>In regard to the timing of the notice, Heather tried to post it last
>week, but her posting was rejected. I'm not certain what the problem
>was, but in any case she followed up on December 5 by sending the notice
>to each of the board members individually. For your information, the
>message that she sent them is attached.  When I noticed this morning
>that the board never posted the message, I emailed Bruce.  I assume he
>has now corrected the situation.
>In addition to emailing ONDNA board members, Heather mailed notices to
>all property owners and thenant within 500 ft. of 435 G Street.
>I hope this answers your questions regarding the notices.  Please don't
>hesitate to contact Heather for more information about the project
>>>>  John Lofland <jflofland at ucdavis.edu> 12/13/2005 12:18:13 PM >>>
>Hello Heather Johanson,
>How come we are hearing about this topic and meeting only a few hours
>before the public meeting on the matter?
>Might there be a question of adequate public notice here?
>Indeed, might you tell this ONDNA list of members the public notice
>activities in which you engaged and when?
>John Lofland
>At 12:00 PM -0800 12/13/05, Bruce Winterhalder wrote:
>>Old North Neighbors:
>>	Please take note of this meeting on the development planned for
>the SW
>>corner of 5th and G Streets, currently a fenced vacant lot, formerly
>>site of a gas station.
>>	While this is (immediately) outside of the boundaries of ON,
>>request here to reduce on-site parking requirements to one/car per
>>condominium is of interest because the extra automobiles generated by
>>residents of the above-retail units almost surely will end up
>>parked/stored in ON.
>>		Bruce
>>>From City Staff:
>>Neighborhood Meeting Invitation
>>Concerning an application that has requested approval of a
>>Planned Development, a Final Planned Development, a Tentative Map and
>>Design Review for a previously approved project at the southwest
>>of Fifth and G Streets.
>>This notice is to inform neighbors and other interested community
>>members that an application has been submitted and that a
>>meeting has been scheduled to provide information and receive public
>>comment on the project proposal described below.
>>Project Address:		435 G Street
>>Davis, CA 95616
>>Project Applicant:		Chuck Roe and Mark Rutheiser
>>				133 D Street, Suite F
>>				Davis, CA 95616
>>Date of Meeting:		Tuesday, December 13, 2005
>>Time:				6:30 PM
>>Location:			Hattie Webber Museum
>>445 C Street, Davis, CA 95616
>>Project Description:
>>The applicants of a previously approved mixed-use project at 435 G
>>Street (PA #40-04), which will house 6,000 square feet of retail on
>>ground floor and eight townhouse units on the second and third
>>are requesting entitlements allowing the project to have a
>>plan which will provide eight for-sale residential units. A rezone of
>>this parcel from Central Commercial to Planned Development Central
>>Commercial will allow for a reduction in the parking requirement. The
>  >applicants are proposing eight on-site parking spaces, providing one
>>space per residential unit rather than the twelve on or off-site
>>currently required, at 1.5 spaces per unit, by the Central Commercial
>>district. The requested reduction of required parking would not
>>future owners from renting spaces in the Fourth and G Street parking
>>structure as previously proposed and approved. On site parking is not
>>required for ground floor retail in the Core area (Ord. 2148, Res.
>>In addition minor changes have been made to the exterior design and
>>floor plan. The minor revisions to the exterior allow for weather
>>protection at the residential entry and greater prominence of the
>>elements. The floor plan has been revised to accommodate the addition
>>an elevator.
>>The requested entitlements and proposed project are consistent with
>>Core Area Specific Plan (CASP) and the Davis Downtown and Traditional
>>Residential Neighborhoods Design Guidelines.
>>Consideration of this application requires Planning Commission review
>>(tentatively scheduled for January 11, 2006) and City Council review
>>follow at which time public hearings will be held and action taken.
>>project application and plans are available for review at the
>>Development Department, located at 23 Russell Boulevard.
>>If you have questions or comments regarding the project or the
>>application, please contact Heather Johanson at (530) 757-5610 or via
>>mail at hjohanson at cityofdavis.org.
>>oldnorth mailing list
>>oldnorth at mailman.dcn.org
>Esther Polito
>Cultural Services Manager
>City of Davis
>phone:  530/757-5610
>fax: 530/757-5660
>epolito at ci.davis.ca.us
>Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2005 11:27:42 -0800
>From: "Heather Johanson" <HJohanson at ci.davis.ca.us>
>To: "Steve Tracy" <stracy at davis.com>,
>	"Dan Braunshweig" <dbraunschweig at hotmail.com>,
>	"Andy Wallace" <apwallace at microfab.net>,
>	"Dan Quickert" <dequickert at omsoft.com>,
>	"Angela Willson" <awillson at pacbell.net>,
>	"Bruce Winterhalder" <winterety at sbcglobal.net>,
>	"Dennis Dingemans" <ddingemans at ucdavis.edu>
>Subject: 435 G Street Rezone - Neighborhood Meeting
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=__Part95B74FBE.3__="
>Please see the attached notice re: a neighborhood meeting to discuss an
>application requesting a rezone of 435 G Street from Central
>to PD Central Commercial.
>For additional information please contact Heather Johanson at
>530-7570-5610 or hjohanson at cityofdavis.org.
>Thank you,
>Heather Johanson
>Economic Development Assistant

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