[OldNorth] Planning for 435 G

John Lofland jflofland at ucdavis.edu
Tue Dec 13 12:18:13 PST 2005

Hello Heather Johanson,

How come we are hearing about this topic and meeting only a few hours 
before the public meeting on the matter?

Might there be a question of adequate public notice here?

Indeed, might you tell this ONDNA list of members the public notice 
activities in which you engaged and when?


John Lofland

At 12:00 PM -0800 12/13/05, Bruce Winterhalder wrote:
>Old North Neighbors:
>	Please take note of this meeting on the development planned for the SW
>corner of 5th and G Streets, currently a fenced vacant lot, formerly the
>site of a gas station.
>	While this is (immediately) outside of the boundaries of ON, the
>request here to reduce on-site parking requirements to one/car per
>condominium is of interest because the extra automobiles generated by
>residents of the above-retail units almost surely will end up
>parked/stored in ON.
>		Bruce
>>From City Staff:
>Neighborhood Meeting Invitation
>Concerning an application that has requested approval of a Preliminary
>Planned Development, a Final Planned Development, a Tentative Map and
>Design Review for a previously approved project at the southwest corner
>of Fifth and G Streets.
>This notice is to inform neighbors and other interested community
>members that an application has been submitted and that a neighborhood
>meeting has been scheduled to provide information and receive public
>comment on the project proposal described below.
>Project Address:		435 G Street
>Davis, CA 95616
>Project Applicant:		Chuck Roe and Mark Rutheiser
>				133 D Street, Suite F
>				Davis, CA 95616
>Date of Meeting:		Tuesday, December 13, 2005
>Time:				6:30 PM
>Location:			Hattie Webber Museum
>445 C Street, Davis, CA 95616
>Project Description:
>The applicants of a previously approved mixed-use project at 435 G
>Street (PA #40-04), which will house 6,000 square feet of retail on the
>ground floor and eight townhouse units on the second and third floors,
>are requesting entitlements allowing the project to have a condominium
>plan which will provide eight for-sale residential units. A rezone of
>this parcel from Central Commercial to Planned Development Central
>Commercial will allow for a reduction in the parking requirement. The
>applicants are proposing eight on-site parking spaces, providing one
>space per residential unit rather than the twelve on or off-site spaces
>currently required, at 1.5 spaces per unit, by the Central Commercial
>district. The requested reduction of required parking would not preclude
>future owners from renting spaces in the Fourth and G Street parking
>structure as previously proposed and approved. On site parking is not
>required for ground floor retail in the Core area (Ord. 2148, Res.
>In addition minor changes have been made to the exterior design and
>floor plan. The minor revisions to the exterior allow for weather
>protection at the residential entry and greater prominence of the corner
>elements. The floor plan has been revised to accommodate the addition of
>an elevator.
>The requested entitlements and proposed project are consistent with the
>Core Area Specific Plan (CASP) and the Davis Downtown and Traditional
>Residential Neighborhoods Design Guidelines.
>Consideration of this application requires Planning Commission review
>(tentatively scheduled for January 11, 2006) and City Council review to
>follow at which time public hearings will be held and action taken. The
>project application and plans are available for review at the Community
>Development Department, located at 23 Russell Boulevard.
>If you have questions or comments regarding the project or the
>application, please contact Heather Johanson at (530) 757-5610 or via e-
>mail at hjohanson at cityofdavis.org.
>oldnorth mailing list
>oldnorth at mailman.dcn.org

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