[OldNorth] Fifth Street Progress
Bruce Winterhalder
bwinterhalder at ucdavis.edu
Tue Sep 13 08:58:15 PDT 2005
Dear Members of the City Council & the City Manager
(Davis, California)
I have attached, and have copied below, a letter on behalf of the Board
of the Old North Davis Neighborhood Association. Please read and
consider it, with our best wishes,
Bruce Winterhalder (ONDNA)
To: Jim Antonen, City Manager
Ruth Asmundson, Mayor
Members of the City Council (Greenwald, Puntillo, Saylor, & Souza)
From: Bruce Winterhalder & the Board
Old North Davis Neighborhood Association
Re: Fifth Street Redesign
The August break has passed and fall is nearly upon us. It is a good
time to recall the action taken by City Council on Fifth Street this
last 12 July, 2005. After lengthy discussion and public commentary –
indeed after two years of debate, consultant reports, commission reviews
and neighborhood study study and lobbying – Council approved on 4-to-1
vote a resolution authored by Don Saylor. It reads, as transcribed from
the video: “I move we direct staff to develop a plan for Fifth Street
that incorporates the following elements:
* bicycle route and network connectivity;
* improved pedestrian safety at crossings;
* reduced effective speeds;
* protected left turns; and
* staff should seek grant funds to implement this plan.”
It was not mentioned in Saylor's resolution, but we believe in the
spirit of the discussion that such a plan for Fifth Street not endanger
the tree canopy that lines the section to be redesigned. Saylor's motion
is straightforward; it ended a long, contentious evening.
We wish to note that Saylor's resolution encodes the design objectives
of the ON proposal for Fifth Street, and it establishes minimum design
guidelines for any alternative proposed by Public Works. Notably the
design must include bike access through extension of the current
network, pedestrian safety measures at crossings, effective speed
reduction and protected left turns.
We now would like to work with the City and Public works to determine a
timetable that will quickly and effectively implement the Saylor motion.
We suggest a meeting between the City Manager, representatives of ON and
Public works. This might best be arranged by the City Manager. We look
forward to your reply.
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