[OldNorth] Greenwald on selecting the mayor

John Lofland jflofland at ucdavis.edu
Wed Jun 8 18:21:25 PDT 2005

The mayor selection matter gets more and more complicated. Here is 
Sue Greenwald's view (forwarded with her permission). John

>X-Sender: suegreen at smtp.dcn.davis.ca.us
>Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2005 18:04:05 -0700
>To: John Lofland <jflofland at ucdavis.edu>
>From: Sue Greenwald <suegreen at dcn.davis.ca.us>
>Hi John,
>Apparently, some councilmembers have been replying to citizen letters
>concerning the council's actions and intentions regarding the selection of
>Mayor. It seems that there is some obfuscation going on.
>  Let me help clarify the issues. Bette Racki confirmed my version of events
>this afternoon. According to Bette,Ted moved, seconded by Steve,to direct
>Harriet to come back with wording that would change the ordinance from
>"selection of Mayor by highest vote-getter" to "selection of Mayor by vote
>of council." Additionally, they would not accept my amendment to make this
>changeeffective only after my term.
>Bottom line: The council has directed staff to change the ordinance
>regarding selection of Mayor, and they refused to accept my amendment to
>make that change after I have served my term.
>I should add that, very shortly after the last election, one councilmember
>told me directly that he intended to ignore the directive in the selection
>of Mayor ordinance, and that he intended to be the next Mayor.
>Subsequently, I started hearing second-hand reports that other
>councilmembers were making similar statements.
>Given the above facts, I think it would be prudent for the citizens of
>Davis to assume that this council intends to try to overturn the results of
>the last election. If this is not the case, I would also assume that each
>councilmember would have no problem with stating, in writing, that they
>will vote to appoint me Mayor in 2006 AND TO LET ME SERVE THE STANDARD TWO
>YEAR TERM, according to the directive in the ordinance that was in place
>when I was elected.
>Finally, concerning the ordinance, I talked to Harriet today and she
>confirmed that when she wrote the ordinance directing council to select the
>Mayor Pro Tem and Mayor by highest vote-getter, she put in the phrase
>"serves at the will of the council" merely to be consistent with state law.
>According to state law, a city can only legally bind any future council to
>any ordinance if it is passed by a vote of the people.
>Again, the "highest vote-getter" ordinance is as strong a statement of the
>rules of the game a city council can legally pass. It has been honored
>without question by every council since it was enacted in 1990. Our council
>fully honored this ordinance when Susie Boyd was a minority Mayor Pro Tem,
>and I was in the majority. What more can I say?
>  Sue
>Sue Greenwald

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