[OldNorth] 5th Street

Tracy-Marshall stracy at davis.com
Fri May 6 19:46:34 PDT 2005


Yesterday evening, I decided to attend the meeting of the Safety 
Advisory Commission to see how they run their public input, in 
preparation for our meeting on the 5th Street project (next Thursday, 
May 12th, at 7 pm, in the City Council chambers).  I happened on this 
interesting scene in front of the Hattie Weber Museum.  Looks like we 
still don't have the final solution Public Works promised with the 
split-phase signals.

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On a related note, consultant Fehr and Peers report on our proposal 
include a ridiculous graphic of a bus stopped in the bike lane on 5th 
Street, protruding 2 feet into the through lane, with a car smashing 
into the back of the bus because the driver didn't wriggle a bit to the 
left in the remaining 9 feet of the through lane and the 10 feet of the 
left turn lane.  It is a miracle there aren't several crashed every day 
at this location near Albertson's on Anderson Road.

Please come and support our solution to the 5th Street chaos next 

Steve Tracy.

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