[OldNorth] OED: Notice of 3rd/B Public Hearing - Tues 4/26

Old East Davis oldeastdavis at omsoft.com
Sat Apr 23 11:25:42 PDT 2005

All -

This is a joint session of the City Council, Planning Commission and 
Historic Resources Commission regarding the 3rd / B St  visioning 
process.  It seems this joint session might be an effort to speed up 
the resolution of that visioning before the Council becomes focused 
on the budget and Covell Village, however that leaves less 
opportunity for public input and a thoughtful planning / consultation 

I think it will be quite important to have a large turnout in support 
of the Design Guidelines being honored in that area.

(Pardon the attachment - the text would not copy)

Note:  The Design Guidelines as a concept are being threatened by 
this "exception".  That's why it's important for all the 
neighborhoods to care about what happens here.  Are we to  throw out 
all that work every time the DG's become an "inconvenience"?  Or are 
we to insist the DG's are the guiding principals of the neighborhoods 
bordering downtown?  Your input and presence will help answer this 
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