[OldNorth] City Council this Evening

Bruce Winterhalder bwinterhalder at ucdavis.edu
Tue Apr 5 11:04:03 PDT 2005

ONDNA members:
  I would like to draw you attention to item #7 on the City Council
"Regular Calendar" this evening, beginning at 7:30PM, Council Chambers. 
It is titled "Urgency Ordinance Addressing Floor Plan Conversions in
Single Family Homes that are Reflective of a Mini-Dorm Configuration."
  I will not be able to attend, but encourage you to do so if you are
able, and to speak up on this issue.  These conversions are a particular
problem for some of our fellow neighborhoods (Old East, Ivy town, Oeste.
. .) in the circum-core area.  I hope to stir up a volunteer or two in
order to be supportive of them. Of course, we are not immune to this
problem, either.

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