[OldNorth] Agenda ONDNA 31 March

sheryl lynn gerety winterety at sbcglobal.net
Tue Mar 22 15:22:53 PST 2005

Old North Davis Neighborhood Association Meeting
  31 March 2005; 7:30 PM Hattie Weber Museum
Join Us!

I.	Call to order & Introductions
II.	Approval of minutes (24 February)
III.	Treasurer’s Report (Braunschweig)
IV.	Announcements & Additions to Agenda?
V.	New Business
VI.	Old Business
	A.   Parking District (Bruce, slow progress; sweeping update)
	B.   Fifth & F Streets, update (Steve; Despite new simulation results; 
PW unmoved)
	C.   Alley Garbage Service (Collect board/neighbhor views, reconsider?)
	D.   Zoning & In-fill (Dan Q on B St & HRMC)
	E.   Quickly: Walking Tours; other (?)
VII.	Sub-committees: Parking & Traffic; Zoning & In-fill; Fifth & F 
Streets; Alley Clean-up; Old North Park; Elections/Nominations; Social; 
Urban Forest
VII.	Adjourn
	President, Bruce Winterhalder (758-3990); Vice President, Dan Quickert 
(756-0575); Secretary, Angela Wilson (757-6683); Treasurer, Dan 
Braunschweig; At- Large: Steve Tracy (756-4921), Dennis Dingemans 
(753-5959), Andy Wallace (web-site).

	Neighbors:  Using white paint on the curbs, the Department of Public 
Works currently is marking spaces for our new ON parking district.  
Please scrutinize the work in your vicinity and let a Board member know 
if you see any layout problems (e.g., a restricted space set across a 
legal curb cut, a short space that will tempt parking that overlaps a 
drive or sidewalk entrance, etc.)

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