[OldNorth] Minutes ONDNA 24 Feb 05

sheryl lynn gerety winterety at sbcglobal.net
Thu Mar 3 21:45:32 PST 2005

Old North Davis Neighborhood Association Meeting
24 February 2005

Bruce Winterhalder called the meeting to order at 7:35
Board members in attendance B. Winterhalder, A. Willson, 
D.Braunschweig. S. Tracy, D. Dingemans, A. Wallace.
Board members missing: D. Quickert
Residents and Guests: Heather Richardson, Tony Martin, Daniel Boone, 
Joel McKinney, Kathleen Groody, Peter Gunther, and Tim Allis.
Minutes from January 27th were approved as written.
Treasures Report: No changes from last month $303.94
Announcements and Additions to the Agenda (none)
New Business
Alley grade and flooding.  Each time the city has added gravel to the 
alleys it has caused them to be higher in the middle.  This added 
elevation causes the rainwater to run to the edges, flooding garages.  
In 2006 the city is going to replace the sewer lines and it was 
suggested the city could re-grade the alleys to correct this problem. 
It also was suggested that possibly at this time all utilizes could be 
placed underground. Options besides gravel were discussed, including a 
gravel/porous paving system.  S. Tracy will follow-up with Yvonne.
Davis Neighborhood Coalition. Bruce attended a meeting of 
representatives from about a dozen neighborhood associations. The 
purpose of this meeting was to discuss common neighborhood concerns. A 
motion was made and passed recommending that one or two ONDNA 
representatives represent the neighborhood at future coalition 
Old Business
Parking District: The amended parking layout maps were given to Roxanne 
Namazi at Public Works. Bruce will find out when they will be 
implementing the new parking plan.  There will be at least two signs 
per block explaining the reserved parking plan. It was recommended that 
the signs might have some information about long-term parking and 
towing information.  A plan where by street sweeping would require cars 
not be parked on each side for at least one day a month was discussed. 
This plan would allow at least one good gutter cleaning a month.  Eight 
AM to noon was discussed as the ideal time for the restriction. Bruce 
will keep us posted on this issue. Kathleen will find out about 
sweeping and the municipal water quality permit.
Fifth and F Streets. S. Tracy shared the article on this issue in the 
Flatlander. Steve and Bruce will be going to Walnut Creek on March 1st 
to meet with traffic engineers from Public Works and the consultants, 
Fehr & Peers.  The objective is to run different scenarios for 5th St 
and to review traffic patterns.  The new signals are in place on 5th 
street and, while they seem to be working, they have caused a greater 
back up on F street.  It is important to stress that the purpose of 
traffic calming measures on 5th street is for pedestrian, Bike and auto 
Alley Garbage Service. Bruce will check into this. There was a 
discussion on the damage the trucks do to the alley street 
intersections, especially if the trucks have to make two trips to pick 
up the cans.
Zoning and In-fill. Many different projects were discussed and it was 
recommended that we continue to be diligent and to remind everyone of 
the importance of the Residential Design Guidelines. Bruce will write a 
letter to the City Council members, the Planning Commission and the 
Planning Director to remind them of the time spent in the construction, 
and the importance, of the guidelines.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.
Respectfully submitted by A. Willson
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