[OldNorth] 435 G Street * City Council Public Hearing
Esther Polito
EPolito at ci.davis.ca.us
Tue Feb 8 16:17:12 PST 2005
Dear Old North Davis:
The City Council's public hearing on the new 435 G Street mixed-use
building is scheduled for Tuesday evening, Feb. 15. Below is a copy of
the public hearing notice.
To view the revised site plan and elevations, go to
www.cityofdavis.org/ed/projects and first choose "The Roe Building"
and then open "attachments" to see the latest plans.
Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.
Esther Polito
Cultural Services Manager
Community Development Department
Phone: 530/757-5610, ext. 7131
Fax: 530/757-5660
epolito at cityofdavis.org
City of Davis
Notice of Public Hearing
The City of Davis City Council will conduct a public hearing on the
project application, as described below, at a meeting beginning at 6:30
p.m. on Tuesday, February 15, 2005, in the Community Chambers at 23
Russell Boulevard, Davis, California. Please contact the Community
Development Department for the approximate time this item will be heard.
Project Title: 435 G Street In-Fill
Project Location: 435 G Street (APN 71-215-05)
Property Owner/Applicant: Chuck Roe and Mark Rutheiser
133 D Street, Suite F
Davis, CA 95616
File Number: Planning Application #40-04
General Plan Amendment #03-04
Specific Plan Amendment #04-04
Conditional Use Permit ##7-04
Design Review #18-04
Affordable Housing #02-04
Negative Declaration #07-04
Project Description:
The applicant is proposing a mixed-use building at 435 G Street that
will house approximately 6,000 square feet of retail on the ground floor
and eight townhouse units on the second and third floors. The size of
the parcel, which previously held a gas station, is .276 acres (12,029
square feet). The approximate size of the proposed new building is
18,659 square feet. The applicants are proposing eight on-site parking
spaces and four off-site to meet the requirement of 12 total spaces for
the residential units. On site parking is not required for ground floor
retail in the Core area (Ord. 2148, Res. 04-51).
The building is proposed to be three stories with a maximum height of
41'-6". The immediate neighbors to the site are: a two-story office
building; Taco Bell; a gas station; a lumber yard; and a four story
mixed-use parking structure housing office, retail, restaurants, and a
theater. The applicants have designed a building for this highly visible
corner that the applicants believe provides visual interest and will be
a gateway element to the Core area. Proposed building materials are
stucco, steel, granite, slate and metal.
The project has been evaluated for consistency with the Core Area
Specific Plan (CASP), the Central Commercial zoning district and the
Davis Downtown and Traditional Residential Neighborhoods Design
Guidelines. The CASP land use for this site is currently Service
Commercial. The project will require a Specific Plan amendment to
change the land use to Core Retail with Offices. The project complies
with the Central Commercial zoning district standards. The project will
also require a Conditional Use Permit for the third story, and design
review approval.
The city requires that the City Council take final action to adopt a
General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, Conditional Use Permit,
Design Review, and a Negative Declaration for the construction of a
project that requires a General and Specific Plan Amendments as well as
a Conditional Use Permit. The Planning Commission passed an affirmative
recommendation to City Council on January 26, 2005 to be taken in regard
to the above referenced project.
Environmental Determination:
The city has completed an Initial Study and prepared Negative
Declaration #07-04 pursuant to section 15070 (b) of the CEQA Guidelines,
finding that there is no substantial evidence before the agency that the
project may have any significant or potentially significant effects upon
the environment. A Notice of Availability has been filed with the Yolo
County Clerk. A copy of the Initial Study and Negative Declaration
#07-04 are available for public review at the City of Davis Community
Development Department, 23 Russell Boulevard, Davis CA 95616. The final
action to adopt Negative Declaration #07-04 will be considered by City
Council following their approval of the proposed project.
Availability of Documents:
The project application file is available for review at the Community
Development Department, located at 23 Russell Boulevard, Davis,
California, 95616, (530) 757-5610. Staff reports are available for the
price of copying at Kinko's copies, 313 F Street, Navin's Copy Shop,
231 Third Street, and Postmarks, 417 Mace Boulevard. Staff reports for
the public hearing are generally available five (5) days prior to the
hearing date.
Public Comments:
All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing or send
written comments to the Community Development Department no later than
the hearing date. Please send all correspondence to the project Planner
Esther Polito at the Community Development Department or via e-mail at
epolito at cityofdavis.org.
The City does not transcribe its proceedings. Persons who wish to
obtain a verbatim record should arrange for attendance by a court
reporter or for some other acceptable means of recordation. Such
arrangements will be at the sole expense of the person requesting the
If you challenge the action taken on this matter in court, the
challenge may be limited to raising only those issues raised at the
public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence
delivered to the Community Development Director or City Clerk at, or
prior to, the public hearing.
Bill Emlen
Community Development
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