[OldNorth] Holiday Progressive Dinner 2004

sheryl lynn gerety winterety at sbcglobal.net
Sun Dec 12 12:50:12 PST 2004

Old North Neighbors:
	Special thanks to all of those who worked hard to make last evening's 
ONDNA progressive holiday dinner such a success.  At minimum that would 
	Daniel Braunschweig and Kingsley Melton, beginning course;
	Elisabeth Sherwin for salads;
	The Tracy - Marshall household for soup;
	Stan and Christine Dudon for the main course; and,
	Abdon and Christine Loebs for desert.
	Dan Szumski, as usual, orchestrated the cooking and the route with 
great finesse, and he and Dutch kept everyone in good spirits with fine 
homemade wine.  We started at 5 PM with about 65 adults, and assorted 
kids, and continued with a little attrition and a few additions until 
after 10PM.  The foggy, cool evening and walks between houses were a 
perfect counter point the the warmth, hospitality, bright settings and 
good eating provided by the various hosts.
	Those of you who missed this even, please consider joining us next 
year.  All of you: Dan will being making rounds looking for volunteers 
about October.

		Bruce W.

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