[OldNorth] ONDNA Nov 2004 Meeting Minutes

sheryl lynn gerety winterety at sbcglobal.net
Tue Dec 7 20:25:23 PST 2004

Minutes of Old North Davis Neighborhood Association
November 18, 2004

	ONDNA President Bruce Winterhalder called the meeting to order at 7:30 
PM.  Present were:  Meredith Glaser, Leila Heintzelman, Peter Gunther, 
Steve Tracy, Valerie Vann, Kathleen Groody, Tony Martin, LuAnn Boys and 
Heather Richardson.  The meeting was conducted without a quorum because 
only three board members were present; as a consequence, no official 
actions were taken, the meeting being informational.

	First order of business was Winterhalder’s call to celebrate approval 
of the special parking district for Old North.  ON was commended by 
City Council members for its creative approach, for respecting the many 
interests that use of city streets involves, and for doing the work 
with City staff necessary to make a nonstandard district possible.

	1)  The parking district was explained for the benefit of the 
unfamiliar:  “N” parking means in Old North each lot and each platted 
duplex will have a nonspecific parking place, marked by the city of 
Davis, for the use of its current owners, provided they purchase 
parking permits at $10 per year from the City.  Residents will have 
restricted access to approximately 40% of the street-side parking in 
ON; residents and nonresidents will have access without permits to the 
balance of the spaces on a first-come, first serve basis.

	2)  Discussion of unresolved issues covered these topics: fine tuning 
the district regulations to facilitate street sweeping, implementing 
enforcement, and whether the specific location of parking spaces would 
be negotiable before marking took place.  Winterhalder will poll Board 
Members via e-mail on the street sweeping proposal made by DWR and 
Public Works, and will work on a review mechanism when we receive the 
actual design.

	3)  Two university students (Glaser, Heintzelman), among eight renters 
of a duplex on D Street with eight automobiles, expressed concern about 
the limited number of permits their unit would receive (2).  They had 
been unaware of the neighborhood’s work on parking, and raised 
questions of equity and safety.  Residents argued that their situation 
would improve somewhat by virtue of being able to secure two permitted 
spaces but that the plan passed by Council did not envision providing a 
permit to every residential automobile.

	4)  John Lofland called upon the chair to advance to the next order of 

	The second business item was the 5th Street reconfiguring and Old 
North traffic calming project, in the hands of Steve Tracy.
	1)  Tracy relayed to those present a couple of conversations following 
on the latest City Council meeting wherein he was told that a) the City 
Manager would have little influence on this issue; and and b) that 
Council Member Souza had conveyed to Tracy in person a negative 
attitude towards reconfiguring the 5th Street roadway for bike lanes, 
and/or otherwise attempting to narrow the vehicular path of travel for 
improved pedestrian safety and flow.   Souza cited safety concerns for 
neighborhoods whose cross streets might be used by diverted traffic 
attempting to improve travel times through town.

	2)  Val reported a counting device at the intersections of Fifth 
Street with D and E Streets, otherwise no movement has been seen with 
respect to the promised meeting with Fehr and Peers, to view 
improvements in the flow model they prepared for the city.

	Third on the agenda, Winterhalder reported on the requested relocation 
of garbage pickup back to the alleys  on most, but not all streets of 
Old North.
	1)  The effort by DWR to experiment with an alley pickup using the new 
trucks and cans was described as ambiguous owing to the mismatch of 
available cans to available swing arm on the truck used in the trial, 
and to the presence of an administrator rather than truck driver behind 
the wheel of the garbage truck.

	2)  Dan Quickert will call Sue Gedestad to review and report on DWR 
plans for tree trimming before we begin the planned, 4-6 week trial of 
alley pickup.

	There was nothing to report on zoning and in-fill.

	The City Manager has not replied to Old North’s letter of support for 
Ms. Polito.  There is still pressure within Old North to push for 
keeping her on neighborhood issues where her expertise has been so 
useful.  Winterhalder suggested a letter to James Antonin as a way of 
reminding him of Antonin’s understanding that she would be assigned to 
a citywide role.  The draft will be reviewed by the Board before being 
sent to the City.

	Tim Allis of Old East and Daniel Boone of Oueste arrived late in the 
meeting to introduce Boone, whose neighborhood is beginning to 
organize, in response to student storage of cars and other issues with 
the City and University.

	Valerie Van spoke on her attempt to discover how  private e-mail 
correspondence, circulated on the Old North and Davis Historical 
Society lists  made its way into the official minutes of the city, 
apparently through city staffers.

	ON minutes will be be posted to e-mail on the list along with their  
being archived on the web site.

At 9 PM the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes taken and transcribed by Sheryl Gerety

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