[OldNorth] "Visioning Workshop" Mon. 7-9pm

Old East Davis oldeastdavis at omsoft.com
Mon Dec 6 01:13:01 PST 2004

The second B St (and 3rd St) Vision Workshop will be held Monday
night (12/6) from 7 - 9 pm at the Teen Center (3rd and B Streets,
SW corner of Central Park).

Please spread the word and come if you are able - this is one of
those open opportunities where your opinion on future development
is being actively encouraged, and the outcome will have impact on
our own neighborhood as well as downtown.  A link to the Davis City
web page devoted to this is below.

Thanks for passing this along and coming if you can -



You are invited  to the second of two Visioning Workshops for
B Street between Second and Fourth Streets
and Third Street between A and B Streets

December 6, 2004 from 7:00 - 9:00 PM                  at
"3rd and B" (The Teen Center) - 303 Third Street

The City of Davis is sponsoring the second of two interactive 
workshops to engage the neighborhood and community in developing a 
shared vision for the properties fronting onto B Street between 
Second and Fourth Streets and on Third Street between A and B 
Streets.  This vision will be used to guide future reinvestment 
opportunities on these properties in a manner that enhances the 
neighborhood and community.
The first workshop on October 26th focused on identifying issues and 
opportunities to help inform potential refinements to the land use 
and design parameters for these properties.  The desire to include 
the two blocks of 3rd Street in this visioning process came out of 
the first workshop.  This second workshop will focus on evaluation of 
a range of development options derived from the results of the first 
workshop.  See the City's website http://cityofdavis.org for a 
summary of the first workshop.
The workshop will be facilitated by the City of Davis and urban 
design consultant Bruce Race who helped the City develop the Downtown 
and Traditional Residential Neighborhood Design Guidelines.

For more information

Contact: Sarah Worley, Community Development Dept.
530/757-5610, sworley at cityofdavis.org
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