[OldNorth] Infill/437J Neigh. Meeting, Thu Aug. 12

Old East Davis oldeastdavis at omsoft.com
Thu Aug 5 20:23:27 PDT 2004

Dear Old East neighbors,

Attached (and pasted in below without formatting) is a copy of the 
August 12 neighborhood meeting notice that I wrote about yesterday. 
Please contact me or Ike Njoku (injoku at ci.davis.ca.us) if you have 
any questions.

A copy of the notice will be mailed by Thursday 8/5 to all OE 
property owners and residents.

By the way, this message is being sent directly to an email list that 
I've compiled from previous neighborhood meetings. My list includes 
"oldeastdavis at omsoft.com",  so if you're on the city's direct email 
list, you may also be receiving a forwarded copy.

To make either of the following changes, please contact me directly 
at epolito at ci.davis.ca.us:

To be removed from the city's direct list (in which case you'll only 
receive forwarded messages from oldeastdavis at omsoft.com).

To be added to the city's direct list (if you want to receive 
messages directly from the city at the same time that they're sent to 
oldeastdavis at omsoft.com).

Thank you.

Esther Polito
City of Davis Cultural Services Manager



SUBJECT:	Initial Review of Residential Infill Proposal at 437 
J Street and Discussion of Appropriate Infill in Old East

MEETING DATE:		August 12, 2004

MEETING TIME:		7:00 to 9:00 P.M.

MEETING LOCATION:  Community Chambers, City Hall, 23 Russell Boulevard

This notice is to inform Old East Neighborhood property owners, 
residents, and the general public that the City of Davis is 
scheduling a neighborhood meeting to:
*	Present an application for an infill project on the two 
parcels currently identified as 437 J Street; and
*	Use the neighborhood comments on the project application to 
both assist with project evaluation and inform future infill study.

On July 27, 2004, the City Council, following their denial without 
prejudice of four units on K Street, appointed a subcommittee 
comprised of Mayor Pro Tem Sue Greenwald and Council member Stephen 
Souza to study the appropriateness of the city's existing zoning 
standards and guidelines as they pertain to infill projects.   The 
August 12 meeting is intended, in part, to use the neighborhood's 
initial comments on the 437 J project to inform the infill study. 
Mayor Pro Tem Greenwald and Council Member Souza will be present at 
the meeting.

The 437 J planning application (PA #11-04) proposes a zoning change 
to subdivide the two parcels into four equal and accessible lots, 
rehabilitate one potentially historic ("heritage") 1885 residence and 
build three additional for-sale single family units.   The proposed 
project would include the following:  1) Creating four equal and 
accessible "for sale" lots, with vehicular access via a common 
driveway on J Street;; 2) Moving the heritage residence to the corner 
of 5th and J Street, facing 5th Street; while demolishing the related 
accessory structure/shed; 3) Rehabilitating the heritage residence by 
removing the two non-original additions, adding a basement, and 
building a detached one-car garage with a small second unit above; 
and 4) Constructing three new single-family residences on the 
remaining land. Each new residence will have three bedrooms, an 
attached one car garage and one uncovered parking space.

Frank Skover, applicant/property owner, and Architect Aubrey Moore 
will present the proposed project to the neighbors.  City staff will 
facilitate the discussion and answer technical questions. Copies of 
the project application, the current R2-CD zoning, the city's adopted 
interim infill guidelines, and excerpts from the adopted neighborhood 
design guidelines will be distributed at the meeting.  All documents 
are also available for review prior to the neighborhood meeting at 
the Community Development Department, 23 Russell Boulevard. For 
further information, please contact Associate Planner Ike Njoku or 
Cultural Services Manager Esther Polito by phone at 530/757-5610, or 
by email at injoku at ci.daivs.ca.us or epolito at ci.davis.ca.us.

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