[OldNorth] Re: Old East Infill meeting

Valerie Vann valerie at vanngroup.com
Wed Aug 4 10:41:33 PDT 2004


I appreciate your summary of the situation and clarification of
the process that's developing. As you know, I'm aware of the 
rather daunting demands all our neighborhood issues are making
on all of us, especially those of you with jobs & families. I also
am trying to "have a life" outside of ONDNA (& local/state/national)
political) concerns.


OK, here's what/where I am:

At the last ONDNA meeting I volunteered to make an alternate/extra
to the 2 person "walkabout committee", but I'm not sure who the
other person besides Dan Szumski is. (Maybe the walkabouts
should be delayed a bit and  imcorporated with our contacts with
Polito, Greenwald & Souza).

I am willing to join the meeting(s) with Polito as you suggested
to me on Monday. Let me know what/when and who else will be

I will try to attend the Aug. 12 OE meeting.

I've got a tentative (at his convenience) agreement with Dan Quickert
("Urban Forest" committee of one.)
for the two of us to do a neighborhood walk to look at street
tree, alley vegetation status and issues.

Finally, we need to be aware of "Open Access" (Public Meeting)
requirements in all aspects of this process where ONDNA and/or
it's officers is involved. 

Valerie Vann
valerie at vanngroup.com

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