[OldNorth] August 12 neighborhood meeting

Old East Davis oldeastdavis at omsoft.com
Tue Aug 3 15:06:45 PDT 2004

To: Members of the Old East Neighborhood Association

Subject: Neighborhood meeting on August 12

The city has scheduled a Old East neighborhood meeting on Thursday, 
August 12, to get initial comments on the 437 J proposal and use the 
comments to inform the infill study requested by Council. Please mark 
your calendars. The meeting will be held at Community Chambers, City 
Hall, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm.

Council members Stephen Souza and Sue Greenwald, who make up the 
Council infill study subcommittee, will be present.

A notice with more information is currently being prepared and should 
be mailed Wednesday or Thursday at the latest. I'll also send a copy 
to this email list as soon as possible.

In the meantime, please contact me if you have any questions.


Esther Polito
Cultural Services Manager City of Davis
phone: 530/757-5610 fax: 530/757-5660
epolito at ci.davis.ca.us
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