[OldNorth] Re: Last Weds. Summary B St meeting

Valerie Vann valerie at vanngroup.com
Tue Jul 13 14:09:46 PDT 2004

Thanx Alan, Old North had a meeting with public works etc. 
about the new garbage service plans, and it conflicted with
your meeting. So I hope someone will post a summary of Old East's

Maybe sometimes both (all three?) of us "Old Davis" groups
could have a joint meeting when of common interest, such as
this "Torpedo the Guidelines" trend that's developing.


"Alan C. Miller" wrote:
> Valerie--
> I appreciate your comments on the B Street projects.  You are welcome
> to come to our board meeting tonight 223 J 6pm with Esther Polito
> speaking.
> --Alan C. Miller

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