[OldNorth] Hold the date-- Thursday 7/8 @5pm at D/E St mini-park -- Alley Trash Pickup

Z Smith zesmith at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 1 19:12:57 PDT 2004

Hold the date-- Thursday 7/8 @5pm at D/E St alley mini-park -- Alley Trash 
Pickup Meeting

Bob Weir (head of Public Works) is waiting for confirmation from someone who 
won't be back until Tuesday, but has tentatively agreed to meeting 
OldNorthers who are interested in the issue of the proposed discontinuation 
of trash pickup from alleys.

The idea is to meet for about an hour and toss some ideas around.

I may be out of town Tuesday, so I've asked Bob to confirm or postpone via 
Angela Willson or Bruce Winterhalder.  So you should get an e-mail Tuesday 
night from one of them.

If the meeting goes forward, please tell your neighbors who may not be on 
the e-mail list.
I'll be arranging for a few pizzas.  Could someone else volunteer to bring 
soft drinks?


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