[OldNorth] Re: New Trash Collection Information

Valerie Vann valerie at vanngroup.com
Fri Jun 25 12:40:35 PDT 2004

angela wrote:
> I too have wondered about this... as for the no parking on specific days...
> where would we put our cars? This might be the issue that sets the
> for parking in our area.. 

Alternate the sides of the street for no parking might work considering 
some residents do have alley parking. Or no non-resident parking before
noon on collection day. Some jurisdictions do this for street cleaning,
similar to yard watering plans, so at least each side of the street
gets swept every other week.

Also, those residents who have no problem hauling the carts around
might work out a plan for two or even more adjacent properties to
concentrate all their containers in a single parking space. 
For example, neighbors could use a single area at their shared
property line. (The city might require labeling of containers to
prevent "cheating" on number and size of cans). This would cut 
down on the number of lost spaces.

The city proposes to change the day of yard trash collection to a
different day, but that won't help much on my block,
because most lots are commercially maintained. Currently the
majority are done on Monday and Tuesday, and since garbage day
is Monday (before 8 am for yard trash, by noon for garbage), the
yard trash typically sits there all week, taking up parking spaces,
or getting parked on, shoved into a dam in the gutter, getting
scattered, ground into dust and blown around, etc.

Yard trash is an ongoing problem in Davis. In Yuba City the type of
containers proposed for us have been in use for years, but they
also prohibit yard trash in the street: it must be put in one of
the standard containers, and commercial landscape maintenance
firms must haul their own trash off, so piles of yard trash
are not an issue.

Valerie Vann

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