[OldNorth] Parking Resolution

Bruce Winterhalder bwinterhalder at ucdavis.edu
Thu Apr 15 10:37:38 PDT 2004

         Here is the resolution on parking (from 22 Jan 2004 minutes):

(1) First, that the City treat the Old North Davis Neighborhood Association 
request for a parking study and parking relief with urgency and separately 
from the broader and long-term discussion of downtown and citywide parking 
(2) Second, that the City take up the request of Old North to experiment 
with less exclusionary parking restrictions than are presently offered by 
City policy.
(2) Third, and concurrently, that the City undertake a study, coordinated 
with the DDBA and neighborhood organizations, to identify residential 
parking policies that would better balance and accommodate neighborhood 
needs with those of downtown businesses, the University and visitors to our 


Bruce Winterhalder
Dept. Anthropology &
  Graduate Group in Ecology (Human Ecology, Area of Interest)
University of California at Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA   95616-8522

(530)-754-4770  [office]
(530)-752-0745  [Dept. office]
(530)-752-8885  [fax]
E-mail:  bwinterhalder at ucdavis.edu
Personal Web Page:  http://www.anthro.ucdavis.edu/winterweb/
Anthropology Faculty 
Graduate Group in Ecology, Human Ecology AOE, Web Page: 
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