[OldNorth] 530 F Agreement - Amended

Richard Glen Boire rgb at cognitiveliberty.org
Fri Mar 5 14:18:44 PST 2004

Dear Old North Neighbors -

Yesterday we met again with Lynne and agreed to the following amendment to
our Feb. 20 Agreement.

Agreement Amendment:

Paragraph 1 of our Agreement signed on February 20, 2004 (Attached) is
hereby amended to permit an additional 125 square feet (approx.) below
ground. All other terms of our Agreement remain unchanged. This Amendment is
made to accommodate engineering and cost concerns. It is our intent that
this Amendment be enforceable and binding and subject to disclosure.


// Richard Boire, 3/04/2004
// Wrye Sententia, 3/04/2004
// Lynne Journey, 3/04/2004
// Michelle Bailey, 3/04/2004

> Date: 2/20/2004
> We, Lynne Journey, Michelle Bailey, Richard Boire, Wrye Sententia,
> parties
> to this dispute participated in mediation and agree that this voluntary
> Agreement accurately documents the terms of our settlement which
> satisfactorily resolves the conflict between us. We understand that we
> may
> choose to make this agreement binding by writing in a clause stating,
> it is
> our intent that this agreement be enforceable and binding and subject
> to
> disclosure.
> 1. All parties agree to support this project with a maximum height of
> 15
> feet that accommodates up to 1200 square feet. This will be
> accomplished by
> sinking a portion of the first story below ground to achieve the 15
> feet
> maximum height.
> 2. All parties agree to request that the City of Davis waive any new
> project
> fees and that these changes be considered a revision of Planning
> Application
> #1603 and Design Review #0703.
> 3. All parties agree to request that the Davis City Council resolve
> this
> matter at their March 9, 2004 meeting.
> 4. It is our intent that this agreement be enforceable and binding and
> subject to disclosure.
> 5. Lynne Journey agrees to distribute a copy of this agreement to the
> City
> Council in a timely manner.
> 6. Richard Boire agrees to distribute a copy of this agreement to the
> Old
> North Davis Neighborhood Association in a timely manner.
> Signed,
> // Richard Boire, 2/20/2004
> // Wrye Sententia, 2/20/2004
> // Lynne Journey, 2/20/2004
> // Michelle Bailey, 2/20/2004

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