[OldNorth] Fwd: Parking Comm Meeting - Tues Feb 17 8:30 a.m.
John Lofland
jflofland at ucdavis.edu
Thu Feb 12 17:43:42 PST 2004
>X-Sender: ddba at mail.cal.net (Unverified)
>Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 16:38:43 -0800
>To: j.anderson at davisace.com,
>jadamski at thatsmybank.com,
><KHiatt at ci.davis.ca.us>,
> beth at blbikeshop.com, lcox at ci.davis.ca.us, aspen at davis.com,
> wmarshall at ci.davis.ca.us, rnamazi at ci.davis.ca.us, bikeczar at dcn.davis.ca.us,
> cacontreras at ucdavis.edu, lreposa at ci.davis.ca.us, TLovering at mac.com,
> bill at yolotma.org, ddba at davis.com, SKolb at ci.davis.ca.us,
> MPrice at ci.davis.ca.us, rmacnear at dcn.org, trac at omsoft.com,
> eshiroma at pacbell.net, jalliso at bart.gov, chapaa at amtrak.com,
> jivler at ci.davis.ca.us, mikeh at dcn.davis.ca.us, blandt at amtrak.com,
> jflofland at ucdavis.edu
>From: Laura Cole-Rowe <ddba at davis.com>
>Subject: Parking Comm Meeting - Tues Feb 17 8:30 a.m.
>X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.36
>To: DDBA Parking and Transportation Committee DATE : 2-12-04
>Jennifer Anderson - Davis Lumber Jeff Adamski - 1st Northern Bank
> Randii MacNear - Davis Farmers' Mkt. Jim Ivler -
>Davis P.D.
>Jan Jacobs, Cathy Olsen - Café Calif. Beth Annon - B & L Bike
>Ken Hiatt, City of Davis Cliff Contreras, TAPS, UC Davis
>Lorelee Cox - Davis P.D. Lynn Yackzan - 5th & G Partnership
>Estelle Shiroma Tim Bustos - City of Davis
>Bill Fairbairn - Yolo TMA Tom Lovering - Cantina del Cabo
>Alan Miller - TRAC Jim Allison - CCJPA
>Mike Harrington - Council member Will Marshall - City of Davis
>Angela Wilson - Old North Davis Assn. Steve Tracy - Old North Davis Assn.
>John Lofland - Old North Davis Assn. Tyrone Bland - Amtrak
>Anthony Chapa - Amtrak
>FROM: Laura Cole-Rowe, DDBA 2 page Fax/E-mail
>SUBJECT: Parking Committee Meeting, - Tuesday February 17, 2004
>Here is the agenda and the January 2004 minutes for the next Tuesday 's
>meeting. (Don't forget it's the day after a holiday AGAIN) Please email me
>at ddba at davis.com or call me at 756-8763 if you have any questions.
>DDBA Parking and Transportation Committee
>Tuesday February 17, 2004- 8:30 a.m. - 10 a.m.
>Davis Ace Hardware Employee Lounge, 240 G Street
>8:30 a.m. Public Comment for items NOT on agenda (5 minutes)
>8:35 a.m. Approval of January 2004 minutes (5 minutes)
> Action: Approve minutes
>8:40 a.m. Updates - X/90-minute re-designation; 1st/F garage,
> permit meeting, Amtrak, 4th parking enforcement officer, SLO
> trip - Hiatt/Cole-Rowe/Miller (10 minutes)
> Action: Informational
>8:50 a.m. Recommendation from Old North Davis Neighborhood Association
> regarding preferential parking district - all (15 minutes)
> Action: Support/don't support recommendation - forward to DDBA
> board of Directors
>9:05 a.m. Follow-up on Diamond Parking Presentation - all (15 minutes)
> Action: Informational
>9:20 a.m. Examine all parking fees; make recommendation(s) to increase
> (10 minutes)
> Action: Forward to DDBA Board of Directors
>9:30 a.m. Presentation on possible Bike Station by Tim Bustos, city of
> Davis (15 minutes)
> Action: Informational - take position/no position - forward to
> DDBA Board of Directors
>9:45 a.m. Go over Parking Awareness Marketing Plan (15 minutes)
> Action: Assignments/timeline to make this work
>10 a.m. Adjourn
>Adjourn - Next meeting - Tuesday, March 16, 2004. Items will include SLO
>Trip (scheduled) and re-examining zone and meter parking as per workplan
>DDBA Parking Meeting Minutes
>January 20, 2004
>Present: Cole-Rowe, Cox, Bruce Winterhalde (ONDNA), Angela Willson (ONDNA),
>Steve Tracy (ONDNA), MacNear, Jacobs, Miller, Tyrone Bland (Amtrak),
>Adamski, Hiatt, Annon, Lovering, Grace Chen, Anderson
>Absent: Contreras, Ivler, Yackzan
>Public Comment: Cole-Rowe reported that she will be going to San Luis
>Obispo on March 4-5 for a meeting; invited members to go along to SLO's
>general meeting and to tour parking facilities.
>Amtrak: Miller spoke about Amtrak rider options. Long-term rider couldn't
>get space - left car on street and got many tickets. Follow up with
>placement of maps/signage/flyers for riders - Bland can help facilitate
>with ticketmaster. Old East Davis has been impacted with overflow riders.
>Present unloading place needs to be looked into. Hiatt indicated that
>unloading spot would be where buses unload after the H Street alignment is
>finished. Bland spoke about paid vs. free parking.
>Updates: Council approved change to X/2 hour areas to become X/90 minute
>areas - 60 days from date of action of council - February 9. Public Works
>to change signs in area. Parking enforcement to give warnings for two
>weeks. DDBA intern doing counts in those areas. Council also approved D
>Permit expansion in First/F garage, which will give an additional 30 spaces
>in garage. Theater slides are done and running. Cole-Rowe sat on
>interview panel for fourth parking enforcement officer; Cox stated that
>there is a short list of two candidates - background checks and medical
>clearance are being done now; new officer should start around March 1.
>Police chief in favor of adding a fifth officer after July 1.
>Old North Davis Neighborhood Association: Winterhalde gave a presentation
>on ONDNA parking problems. Discussion followed. Tracy gave an alternative
>consisting of marking one parking space in front of each house; the excess
>spaces could be used for public parking. ONDNA would like committee to ask
>the city to look at this alternative solution. ONDNA to come back next
>month with a proposal.
>Diamond Parking Presentation: Tabled.
>Paid Parking lot discussion: 90-minute lot could be in the Brinley lot.
>Should street parking or lots become 90 minute first? Discussion followed.
>Suggestion made to come up with list of businesses that are violators and
>personally visit.
>Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.
>Laura Cole-Rowe
>Executive Director
>Davis Downtown Business Association,
>A California Main Street Community
>Phone 530.756.8763
>Fax 530.756-6504
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