[OldNorth] FW: 530 F Street Design Review Application #07-03

Andrew P. Wallace apwallace at microfab.net
Sat Jan 31 12:52:47 PST 2004

-----Original Message-----
From: Rhys Rowland [mailto:RRowland at ci.davis.ca.us]
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2004 1:14 PM
To: apwallace at microfab.net
Cc: awillson at pacbell.net; data at thoughtstudio.com
Subject: 530 F Street Design Review Application #07-03

To interested parties and the Old North Davis Neighborhood Association:

Please be advised that with regard to the appeal application of the
above subject, the appellant has requested a continuance of the item
from the February 3, 2004, City Council meeting until late February or
early March.   The City will continue to provide you with information on
the scheduling of this appeal.  

Please post this information on the Old North Davis Neighborhood
Association web site.  Thank you for your attention in this matter.



Rhys Rowland, Assistant Planner
City of Davis
Department of Planning and Building
23 Russell Boulevard
Davis, CA 95616
(530)757-5610 ext. #7244
(530) 757- 5610 x7244
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