[OldNorth] FW: forwarded message from Tom Cross

Andrew P. Wallace ap_wallace at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 3 21:47:50 PDT 2003

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Cross [mailto:TSCross at ucdavis.edu]

To association members.

1)   After giving the by-law issue a little more thought.  I must 
agree with the conservative approach, and have the by-law amendment 
go through the procedure set out in the by-laws.  Thank you to all 
that gave your input and support.

2) I have been approached by the Co-op with news of a change in the 
plans of the development on G Street due to our last BOD meeting. 
Eric Stromberg has asked if the association wishes to meet and see 
the new plans and comment.  The President will have to call an 
emergency meeting if we want to see the up date.  Please let me know 
if you wish me to set up such a meeting.

All my best

Thomas Cross
P.O. Box 2275
Davis, CA 95617-2275
(530) 750-3788 Phone & Fax
TSCross at ucdavis.edu

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